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CWE Field Completeness Goals
CWE Field Completeness Goals

Following is a report of each CWE field that identifies its priority, as well as how often it must be completed, from the perspective of CWE content maintenance. The CWE community is encouraged to provide feedback on these priorities.

Completeness How many nodes and which roles (i.e., Categories, Groups, Types, Variants or All) should have this field filled in. This will be the basis of measuring one type of progress towards the first official version of CWE.
  • All: All nodes need the field.
  • Most [role]: Most nodes with the given role are likely to need the field.
  • Some [role]: Some nodes with the given role use the field; an empty value is typical.
Priority What the CWE team thinks the priority should be, as of January 2008
  • 1: Essential for defining what a node is about
  • 2: Important for making CWE useful to most stakeholders
  • 3: Important for informational or educational purposes, but not critical to the definition of the node itself; or, important for an influential stakeholder, but not most.
  • 4: Useful for informational or educational purposes
  • 5: Very few known use-cases; outside the scope of CWE itself; or not yet well-defined
Schema What schema changes might be required in the future
Content Considerations for content of this field
Community Opportunities for community involvement

Field Completeness Requirements Summary
Field Completeness Requirements Summary
Completeness:  some Types, some Variants
Priority:  4
Schema:  possibly small changes, depending on view formalization
Community:  could help define additional resources and populate nodes
Completeness:  some Types, some Variants, some Categories
Priority:  4
Completeness:  all Types, all Variants, all Categories
Priority:  2
Schema:  need to handle "All affected, but of greatest concern in language X"; also need to handle environment/OS information (e.g. only applies to Windows or Unix)
Community:  IEEE group (e.g. Jim Moore) could review/contribute.
Completeness:  all Types, all Variants
Priority:  5
Content:  this field was generated as a complement to White_Box_Definition, but there are currently no plans to populate this actively. There might be some opportunities to leverage CAPEC.
Completeness:  most Types, most Variants
Priority:  3
Content:  identifying CVEs for all types/variants would be very difficult, due to lack of information; some CWE's haven't yet been found in public software. Note: This is not an actual field in CWE. See Observed_Example notes.
Community:  could help populate nodes
Completeness:  All nodes
Priority:  1
Completeness:  most Types, most Variants
Priority:  5
Content:  it could be argued that some nodes occur in multiple phases of the software development lifecycle; for example, path traversal problems could be introduced in design (if the design is that detailed) or implementation (if the design was written in a more general fashion).
Schema:  might want a better breakdown of implicit/explicit
Community:  could help populate this element
Completeness:  all Types, all Categories, all Variants
Priority:  4
Schema:  additional structure and a fixed vocabulary might be good
Community:  could help populate nodes
Completeness:  most Types
Priority:  5
Content:  close link with CAPEC
Schema:  unknown
Community:  could help populate nodes
Completeness:  many Types
Priority:  3
Schema:  might need to be more clearly merged/distinguished from Description and Research Gaps.
Completeness:  all Types, all Variants, some Categories
Priority:  3
Content:  some examples contain unintentional errors or do not sufficiently illustrate the problem
Schema:  element might need additional modifications. Might want to add a "grouping" element for all examples.
Community:  could contribute good examples
Completeness:  All nodes
Priority:  1
Content:  descriptions have varying amounts of information, sometimes too much. Draft 8 breaks the description down into 2 parts: a Description_Summary, which is intended to be a single sentence, and an Extended_Description, which further expands on the issue. Ideally, this would be a short paragraph with consistent structure and perspective, and other information could be in other fields.
Community:  could review existing long descriptions and help with the split into Description_Summary and Extended_Description.
Completeness:  most Types
Priority:  5
Content:  close link with CAPEC
Schema:  unknown
Community:  could help populate nodes
Completeness:  all Types, all Variants, all Categories
Priority:  5
Content:  leftover from PLOVER; need to ensure this addresses a Use Case (possibly developers).
Schema:  this might be deleted in future drafts, unless there is additional work that identifies a fixed, comprehensive set of functional areas.
Completeness:  all Types, all Variants
Priority:  5
Content:  close link to CAPEC
Community:  could help populate
Completeness:  All nodes
Priority:  1
Content:  need to establish and follow consistent styles, including capitalization, phrasing and perspective of each name.
Completeness:  All nodes
Priority:  2
Content:  might want all variants to have parents/ancestors that are types; similar for types and categories. Currently unknown how much needs to be done. Chains and composites might pose special challenges.
Schema:  formalization of views might impact this element. Need to determine meaning/usage of Peer and CanAlsoBe.
Community:  could review and identify additional relationships, especially with overlapping nodes, especially with respect to chains and composites.
Completeness:  most Types, most Variants
Priority:  3
Content:  identifying real-world occurrences (e.g. CVEs) for all types/variants would be very difficult, due to lack of detailed information. It is likely that some CWE's haven't yet been publicly reported for off-the-shelf software.
Schema:  element might need additional modifications. Might want to add a "grouping" element for all examples.
Community:  could help populate nodes
Completeness:  all Types, all Variants
Priority:  4
Schema:  better formalization might enable analysis of which mitigations affect the most nodes. Also might want to "share" mitigations between parents/children.
Community:  SEI coding guidelines also a possibility (but that might be better as a separate element).
Completeness:  all Types, some Variants
Priority:  3
Content:  a child node is likely to inherit references from its parent; should this be made explicit? Also might want to introduce consistency-checking to identify when the same reference has been specified in different ways.
Community:  book authors could provide mappings from their chapters/sections to CWEs.
Completeness:  all Types, all Variants, all Categories
Priority:  2
Content:  this is automatically populated via CAPEC's mappings to CWE nodes. The CAPEC mappings are regarded as the master list.
Completeness:  some Types, Categories, Groupings, Variants
Priority:  5
Completeness:  many Types, many Variants, many Categories
Priority:  4
Content:  not all CWE nodes are derived from other taxonomies
Completeness:  all Types, all Variants
Priority:  3
Content:  some exploratory work was performed by the CWE team, but it was not integrated into Draft 8.
Schema:  need to consider relationships with source code scanner analysis, black/white box testing
Community:  could help populate nodes
Completeness:  All nodes
Priority:  1
Content:  Attribute name changed to "Role" in Draft 8. An initial effort by the CWE team to clarify roles is in Draft 8. These need to be viewed collectively to look for errors or inconsistencies, such as a Category that has no children, or a Variant that has no Type as a parent. The analysis will help to clean up the gaps in CWE and clarify the relationships.
Schema:  need to handle additional types
Completeness:  all Types, all Variants, some Categories
Priority:  4
Schema:  could be changed to support automatic construction of chains (but these are handled by CanResultIn/ResultsFrom relationships in Draft 8). Many nodes are both primary and resultant, but this can't be handled currently within the Ordinality element.
Completeness:  many Types, many Variants
Priority:  2
Content:  this data is provided by KDM Analytics in support of the CWE Formalization project. Since the project is dedicated to weaknesses that can be detected using automated source code analysis, not all Types or Variants will have a white box description.
Page Last Updated: January 05, 2017