CWE VIEW: Weaknesses in Software Written in Java
This view (slice) covers issues that are found in Java programs that are not common to all languages.
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CWE-767: Access to Critical Private Variable via Public Method
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For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
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Edit Custom Filter
If an attacker modifies the variable to contain unexpected values, this could violate assumptions from other parts of the code. Additionally, if an attacker can read the private variable, it may expose sensitive information or make it easier to launch further attacks.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Software Development" (CWE-699)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages C++ (Undetermined Prevalence) C# (Undetermined Prevalence) Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following example declares a critical variable to be private, and then allows the variable to be modified by public methods. (bad code)
Example Language: C++
private: float price;
public: void changePrice(float newPrice) { price = newPrice; }Example 2 The following example could be used to implement a user forum where a single user (UID) can switch between multiple profiles (PID). (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public class Client {
private int UID; }public int PID; private String userName; public Client(String userName){ PID = getDefaultProfileID(); }UID = mapUserNametoUID( userName ); this.userName = userName; public void setPID(int ID) { UID = ID; }The programmer implemented setPID with the intention of modifying the PID variable, but due to a typo. accidentally specified the critical variable UID instead. If the program allows profile IDs to be between 1 and 10, but a UID of 1 means the user is treated as an admin, then a user could gain administrative privileges as a result of this typo.
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
This entry is closely associated with access control for public methods. If the public methods are restricted with proper access controls, then the information in the private variable will not be exposed to unexpected parties. There may be chaining or composite relationships between improper access controls and this weakness.
CWE-582: Array Declared Public, Final, and Static
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For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
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Edit Custom FilterThe product declares an array public, final, and static, which is not sufficient to prevent the array's contents from being modified.
Because arrays are mutable objects, the final constraint requires that the array object itself be assigned only once, but makes no guarantees about the values of the array elements. Since the array is public, a malicious program can change the values stored in the array. As such, in most cases an array declared public, final and static is a bug.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following Java Applet code mistakenly declares an array public, final and static. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public final class urlTool extends Applet {
public final static URL[] urls; }...
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-481: Assigning instead of Comparing
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For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterThe code uses an operator for assignment when the intention was to perform a comparison.
In many languages the compare statement is very close in appearance to the assignment statement and are often confused. This bug is generally the result of a typo and usually causes obvious problems with program execution. If the comparison is in an if statement, the if statement will usually evaluate the value of the right-hand side of the predicate.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages C (Undetermined Prevalence) C++ (Undetermined Prevalence) Java (Undetermined Prevalence) C# (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following C/C++ and C# examples attempt to validate an int input parameter against the integer value 100. (bad code)
Example Language: C
int isValid(int value) {
if (value=100) { }printf("Value is valid\n"); }return(1); printf("Value is not valid\n"); return(0); (bad code)
Example Language: C#
bool isValid(int value) {
if (value=100) { }Console.WriteLine("Value is valid."); }return true; Console.WriteLine("Value is not valid."); return false; However, the expression to be evaluated in the if statement uses the assignment operator "=" rather than the comparison operator "==". The result of using the assignment operator instead of the comparison operator causes the int variable to be reassigned locally and the expression in the if statement will always evaluate to the value on the right hand side of the expression. This will result in the input value not being properly validated, which can cause unexpected results. Example 2 In this example, we show how assigning instead of comparing can impact code when values are being passed by reference instead of by value. Consider a scenario in which a string is being processed from user input. Assume the string has already been formatted such that different user inputs are concatenated with the colon character. When the processString function is called, the test for the colon character will result in an insertion of the colon character instead, adding new input separators. Since the string was passed by reference, the data sentinels will be inserted in the original string (CWE-464), and further processing of the inputs will be altered, possibly malformed.. (bad code)
Example Language: C
void processString (char *str) {
int i;
for(i=0; i<strlen(str); i++) { if (isalnum(str[i])){ }processChar(str[i]); }else if (str[i] = ':') { movingToNewInput();} }Example 3 The following Java example attempts to perform some processing based on the boolean value of the input parameter. However, the expression to be evaluated in the if statement uses the assignment operator "=" rather than the comparison operator "==". As with the previous examples, the variable will be reassigned locally and the expression in the if statement will evaluate to true and unintended processing may occur. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public void checkValid(boolean isValid) {
if (isValid = true) { }System.out.println("Performing processing"); }doSomethingImportant(); else { System.out.println("Not Valid, do not perform processing"); }return; While most Java compilers will catch the use of an assignment operator when a comparison operator is required, for boolean variables in Java the use of the assignment operator within an expression is allowed. If possible, try to avoid using comparison operators on boolean variables in java. Instead, let the values of the variables stand for themselves, as in the following code. (good code)
Example Language: Java
public void checkValid(boolean isValid) {
if (isValid) { }System.out.println("Performing processing"); }doSomethingImportant(); else { System.out.println("Not Valid, do not perform processing"); }return; Alternatively, to test for false, just use the boolean NOT operator. (good code)
Example Language: Java
public void checkValid(boolean isValid) {
if (!isValid) { }System.out.println("Not Valid, do not perform processing"); }return; System.out.println("Performing processing"); doSomethingImportant(); Example 4 The following example demonstrates the weakness. (bad code)
Example Language: C
void called(int foo){
if (foo=1) printf("foo\n"); }int main() { called(2); return 0;
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-572: Call to Thread run() instead of start()
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
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Edit Custom FilterThe product calls a thread's run() method instead of calling start(), which causes the code to run in the thread of the caller instead of the callee.
In most cases a direct call to a Thread object's run() method is a bug. The programmer intended to begin a new thread of control, but accidentally called run() instead of start(), so the run() method will execute in the caller's thread of control.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following excerpt from a Java program mistakenly calls run() instead of start(). (bad code)
Example Language: Java
Thread thr = new Thread() {
public void run() { };... };
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-580: clone() Method Without super.clone()
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterThe product contains a clone() method that does not call super.clone() to obtain the new object.
All implementations of clone() should obtain the new object by calling super.clone(). If a class does not follow this convention, a subclass's clone() method will return an object of the wrong type.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Software Development" (CWE-699)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following two classes demonstrate a bug introduced by not calling super.clone(). Because of the way Kibitzer implements clone(), FancyKibitzer's clone method will return an object of type Kibitzer instead of FancyKibitzer. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public class Kibitzer {
public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
Object returnMe = new Kibitzer(); ... public class FancyKibitzer extends Kibitzer{ public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
Object returnMe = super.clone(); ...
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-498: Cloneable Class Containing Sensitive Information
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterThe code contains a class with sensitive data, but the class is cloneable. The data can then be accessed by cloning the class.
Cloneable classes are effectively open classes, since data cannot be hidden in them. Classes that do not explicitly deny cloning can be cloned by any other class without running the constructor.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages C++ (Undetermined Prevalence) Java (Undetermined Prevalence) C# (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following example demonstrates the weakness. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public class CloneClient {
public CloneClient() //throws
java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException { Teacher t1 = new Teacher("guddu","22,nagar road"); //... // Do some stuff to remove the teacher. Teacher t2 = (Teacher)t1.clone(); System.out.println(; public static void main(String args[]) { new CloneClient(); class Teacher implements Cloneable { public Object clone() { try { return super.clone(); }catch (java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.toString()); public String name; public String clas; public Teacher(String name,String clas) { = name; this.clas = clas; Make classes uncloneable by defining a clone function like: (good code)
Example Language: Java
public final void clone() throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException {
throw new java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException(); }
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-486: Comparison of Classes by Name
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterThe product compares classes by name, which can cause it to use the wrong class when multiple classes can have the same name.
If the decision to trust the methods and data of an object is based on the name of a class, it is possible for malicious users to send objects of the same name as trusted classes and thereby gain the trust afforded to known classes and types.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 In this example, the expression in the if statement compares the class of the inputClass object to a trusted class by comparing the class names. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
if (inputClass.getClass().getName().equals("TrustedClassName")) {
// Do something assuming you trust inputClass // ... However, multiple classes can have the same name therefore comparing an object's class by name can allow untrusted classes of the same name as the trusted class to be use to execute unintended or incorrect code. To compare the class of an object to the intended class the getClass() method and the comparison operator "==" should be used to ensure the correct trusted class is used, as shown in the following example. (good code)
Example Language: Java
if (inputClass.getClass() == TrustedClass.class) {
// Do something assuming you trust inputClass // ... Example 2 In this example, the Java class, TrustedClass, overrides the equals method of the parent class Object to determine equivalence of objects of the class. The overridden equals method first determines if the object, obj, is the same class as the TrustedClass object and then compares the object's fields to determine if the objects are equivalent. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public class TrustedClass {
@Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { boolean isEquals = false;
// first check to see if the object is of the same class if (obj.getClass().getName().equals(this.getClass().getName())) { // then compare object fields ... if (...) { isEquals = true; }return isEquals; ... However, the equals method compares the class names of the object, obj, and the TrustedClass object to determine if they are the same class. As with the previous example using the name of the class to compare the class of objects can lead to the execution of unintended or incorrect code if the object passed to the equals method is of another class with the same name. To compare the class of an object to the intended class, the getClass() method and the comparison operator "==" should be used to ensure the correct trusted class is used, as shown in the following example. (good code)
Example Language: Java
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
// first check to see if the object is of the same class if (obj.getClass() == this.getClass()) { ... }...
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-595: Comparison of Object References Instead of Object Contents
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterThe product compares object references instead of the contents of the objects themselves, preventing it from detecting equivalent objects.
For example, in Java, comparing objects using == usually produces deceptive results, since the == operator compares object references rather than values; often, this means that using == for strings is actually comparing the strings' references, not their values.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "CISQ Quality Measures (2020)" (CWE-1305)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) JavaScript (Undetermined Prevalence) PHP (Undetermined Prevalence) Class: Not Language-Specific (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 In the example below, two Java String objects are declared and initialized with the same string values. An if statement is used to determine if the strings are equivalent. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
String str1 = new String("Hello");
String str2 = new String("Hello"); if (str1 == str2) { System.out.println("str1 == str2"); }However, the if statement will not be executed as the strings are compared using the "==" operator. For Java objects, such as String objects, the "==" operator compares object references, not object values. While the two String objects above contain the same string values, they refer to different object references, so the System.out.println statement will not be executed. To compare object values, the previous code could be modified to use the equals method: (good code)
if (str1.equals(str2)) {
System.out.println("str1 equals str2"); }Example 2 In the following Java example, two BankAccount objects are compared in the isSameAccount method using the == operator. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public boolean isSameAccount(BankAccount accountA, BankAccount accountB) {
return accountA == accountB; }Using the == operator to compare objects may produce incorrect or deceptive results by comparing object references rather than values. The equals() method should be used to ensure correct results or objects should contain a member variable that uniquely identifies the object. The following example shows the use of the equals() method to compare the BankAccount objects and the next example uses a class get method to retrieve the bank account number that uniquely identifies the BankAccount object to compare the objects. (good code)
Example Language: Java
public boolean isSameAccount(BankAccount accountA, BankAccount accountB) {
return accountA.equals(accountB); }
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-362: Concurrent Execution using Shared Resource with Improper Synchronization ('Race Condition')
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterA race condition occurs within concurrent environments, and it is effectively a property of a code sequence. Depending on the context, a code sequence may be in the form of a function call, a small number of instructions, a series of program invocations, etc. A race condition violates these properties, which are closely related:
A race condition exists when an "interfering code sequence" can still access the shared resource, violating exclusivity. The interfering code sequence could be "trusted" or "untrusted." A trusted interfering code sequence occurs within the product; it cannot be modified by the attacker, and it can only be invoked indirectly. An untrusted interfering code sequence can be authored directly by the attacker, and typically it is external to the vulnerable product. This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Weaknesses for Simplified Mapping of Published Vulnerabilities" (CWE-1003)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages C (Sometimes Prevalent) C++ (Sometimes Prevalent) Java (Sometimes Prevalent) Technologies Class: Mobile (Undetermined Prevalence) Class: ICS/OT (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 This code could be used in an e-commerce application that supports transfers between accounts. It takes the total amount of the transfer, sends it to the new account, and deducts the amount from the original account. (bad code)
Example Language: Perl
$transfer_amount = GetTransferAmount();
$balance = GetBalanceFromDatabase(); if ($transfer_amount < 0) { FatalError("Bad Transfer Amount"); }$newbalance = $balance - $transfer_amount; if (($balance - $transfer_amount) < 0) { FatalError("Insufficient Funds"); }SendNewBalanceToDatabase($newbalance); NotifyUser("Transfer of $transfer_amount succeeded."); NotifyUser("New balance: $newbalance"); A race condition could occur between the calls to GetBalanceFromDatabase() and SendNewBalanceToDatabase(). Suppose the balance is initially 100.00. An attack could be constructed as follows: (attack code)
Example Language: Other
In the following pseudocode, the attacker makes two simultaneous calls of the program, CALLER-1 and CALLER-2. Both callers are for the same user account.
CALLER-1 (the attacker) is associated with PROGRAM-1 (the instance that handles CALLER-1). CALLER-2 is associated with PROGRAM-2. CALLER-1 makes a transfer request of 80.00. PROGRAM-1 calls GetBalanceFromDatabase and sets $balance to 100.00 PROGRAM-1 calculates $newbalance as 20.00, then calls SendNewBalanceToDatabase(). Due to high server load, the PROGRAM-1 call to SendNewBalanceToDatabase() encounters a delay. CALLER-2 makes a transfer request of 1.00. PROGRAM-2 calls GetBalanceFromDatabase() and sets $balance to 100.00. This happens because the previous PROGRAM-1 request was not processed yet. PROGRAM-2 determines the new balance as 99.00. After the initial delay, PROGRAM-1 commits its balance to the database, setting it to 20.00. PROGRAM-2 sends a request to update the database, setting the balance to 99.00 At this stage, the attacker should have a balance of 19.00 (due to 81.00 worth of transfers), but the balance is 99.00, as recorded in the database. To prevent this weakness, the programmer has several options, including using a lock to prevent multiple simultaneous requests to the web application, or using a synchronization mechanism that includes all the code between GetBalanceFromDatabase() and SendNewBalanceToDatabase(). Example 2 The following function attempts to acquire a lock in order to perform operations on a shared resource. (bad code)
Example Language: C
void f(pthread_mutex_t *mutex) {
/* access shared resource */ pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex); However, the code does not check the value returned by pthread_mutex_lock() for errors. If pthread_mutex_lock() cannot acquire the mutex for any reason, the function may introduce a race condition into the program and result in undefined behavior. In order to avoid data races, correctly written programs must check the result of thread synchronization functions and appropriately handle all errors, either by attempting to recover from them or reporting them to higher levels. (good code)
Example Language: C
int f(pthread_mutex_t *mutex) {
int result;
result = pthread_mutex_lock(mutex); if (0 != result) return result;
/* access shared resource */ return pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex); Example 3 Suppose a processor's Memory Management Unit (MMU) has 5 other shadow MMUs to distribute its workload for its various cores. Each MMU has the start address and end address of "accessible" memory. Any time this accessible range changes (as per the processor's boot status), the main MMU sends an update message to all the shadow MMUs. Suppose the interconnect fabric does not prioritize such "update" packets over other general traffic packets. This introduces a race condition. If an attacker can flood the target with enough messages so that some of those attack packets reach the target before the new access ranges gets updated, then the attacker can leverage this scenario.
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
Research Gap
Race conditions in web applications are under-studied and probably under-reported. However, in 2008 there has been growing interest in this area.
Research Gap
Much of the focus of race condition research has been in Time-of-check Time-of-use (TOCTOU) variants (CWE-367), but many race conditions are related to synchronization problems that do not necessarily require a time-of-check.
Research Gap
From a classification/taxonomy perspective, the relationships between concurrency and program state need closer investigation and may be useful in organizing related issues.
The relationship between race conditions and synchronization problems (CWE-662) needs to be further developed. They are not necessarily two perspectives of the same core concept, since synchronization is only one technique for avoiding race conditions, and synchronization can be used for other purposes besides race condition prevention.
CWE-766: Critical Data Element Declared Public
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterThe product declares a critical variable, field, or member to be public when intended security policy requires it to be private.
This issue makes it more difficult to maintain the product, which indirectly affects security by making it more difficult or time-consuming to find and/or fix vulnerabilities. It also might make it easier to introduce vulnerabilities. This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Software Development" (CWE-699)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages C++ (Undetermined Prevalence) C# (Undetermined Prevalence) Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following example declares a critical variable public, making it accessible to anyone with access to the object in which it is contained. (bad code)
Example Language: C++
public: char* password;
Instead, the critical data should be declared private. (good code)
Example Language: C++
private: char* password;
Even though this example declares the password to be private, there are other possible issues with this implementation, such as the possibility of recovering the password from process memory (CWE-257). Example 2 The following example shows a basic user account class that includes member variables for the username and password as well as a public constructor for the class and a public method to authorize access to the user account. (bad code)
Example Language: C++
#define MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH 15 class UserAccount { public:
UserAccount(char *username, char *password)
{ if ((strlen(username) > MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH) || }(strlen(password) > MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH)) { ExitError("Invalid username or password"); }strcpy(this->username, username); strcpy(this->password, password); int authorizeAccess(char *username, char *password) { if ((strlen(username) > MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH) ||
(strlen(password) > MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH)) { ExitError("Invalid username or password"); }// if the username and password in the input parameters are equal to // the username and password of this account class then authorize access if (strcmp(this->username, username) || strcmp(this->password, password)) return 0;
// otherwise do not authorize access else return 1;
char username[MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH+1]; char password[MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH+1]; However, the member variables username and password are declared public and therefore will allow access and changes to the member variables to anyone with access to the object. These member variables should be declared private as shown below to prevent unauthorized access and changes. (good code)
Example Language: C++
class UserAccount
{ public: ...
private: char username[MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH+1]; };char password[MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH+1];
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-493: Critical Public Variable Without Final Modifier
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterThe product has a critical public variable that is not final, which allows the variable to be modified to contain unexpected values.
If a field is non-final and public, it can be changed once the value is set by any function that has access to the class which contains the field. This could lead to a vulnerability if other parts of the program make assumptions about the contents of that field.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) C++ (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 Suppose this WidgetData class is used for an e-commerce web site. The programmer attempts to prevent price-tampering attacks by setting the price of the widget using the constructor. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public final class WidgetData extends Applet {
public float price; }... public WidgetData(...) { this.price = LookupPrice("MyWidgetType"); }The price field is not final. Even though the value is set by the constructor, it could be modified by anybody that has access to an instance of WidgetData. Example 2 Assume the following code is intended to provide the location of a configuration file that controls execution of the application. (bad code)
Example Language: C++
public string configPath = "/etc/application/config.dat";
(bad code)
Example Language: Java
public String configPath = new String("/etc/application/config.dat");
While this field is readable from any function, and thus might allow an information leak of a pathname, a more serious problem is that it can be changed by any function.
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-396: Declaration of Catch for Generic Exception
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterCatching overly broad exceptions promotes complex error handling code that is more likely to contain security vulnerabilities.
Multiple catch blocks can get ugly and repetitive, but "condensing" catch blocks by catching a high-level class like Exception can obscure exceptions that deserve special treatment or that should not be caught at this point in the program. Catching an overly broad exception essentially defeats the purpose of a language's typed exceptions, and can become particularly dangerous if the program grows and begins to throw new types of exceptions. The new exception types will not receive any attention.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Software Development" (CWE-699)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages C++ (Undetermined Prevalence) Java (Undetermined Prevalence) C# (Undetermined Prevalence) Python (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following code excerpt handles three types of exceptions in an identical fashion. (good code)
Example Language: Java
try {
doExchange(); }catch (IOException e) { logger.error("doExchange failed", e); }catch (InvocationTargetException e) { logger.error("doExchange failed", e); catch (SQLException e) { logger.error("doExchange failed", e); At first blush, it may seem preferable to deal with these exceptions in a single catch block, as follows: (bad code)
try {
doExchange(); }catch (Exception e) { logger.error("doExchange failed", e); }However, if doExchange() is modified to throw a new type of exception that should be handled in some different kind of way, the broad catch block will prevent the compiler from pointing out the situation. Further, the new catch block will now also handle exceptions derived from RuntimeException such as ClassCastException, and NullPointerException, which is not the programmer's intent.
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-397: Declaration of Throws for Generic Exception
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterThrowing overly broad exceptions promotes complex error handling code that is more likely to contain security vulnerabilities.
Declaring a method to throw Exception or Throwable makes it difficult for callers to perform proper error handling and error recovery. Java's exception mechanism, for example, is set up to make it easy for callers to anticipate what can go wrong and write code to handle each specific exceptional circumstance. Declaring that a method throws a generic form of exception defeats this system.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Software Development" (CWE-699)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages C++ (Undetermined Prevalence) Java (Undetermined Prevalence) C# (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following method throws three types of exceptions. (good code)
Example Language: Java
public void doExchange() throws IOException, InvocationTargetException, SQLException {
... }While it might seem tidier to write (bad code)
public void doExchange() throws Exception {
... }doing so hampers the caller's ability to understand and handle the exceptions that occur. Further, if a later revision of doExchange() introduces a new type of exception that should be treated differently than previous exceptions, there is no easy way to enforce this requirement. Example 2 Early versions of C++ (C++98, C++03, C++11) included a feature known as Dynamic Exception Specification. This allowed functions to declare what type of exceptions it may throw. It is possible to declare a general class of exception to cover any derived exceptions that may be throw. (bad code)
int myfunction() throw(std::exception) {
if (0) throw out_of_range(); }throw length_error(); In the example above, the code declares that myfunction() can throw an exception of type "std::exception" thus hiding details about the possible derived exceptions that could potentially be thrown.
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
Applicable Platform
For C++, this weakness only applies to C++98, C++03, and C++11. It relies on a feature known as Dynamic Exception Specification, which was part of early versions of C++ but was deprecated in C++11. It has been removed for C++17 and later.
CWE-502: Deserialization of Untrusted Data
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom Filter
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Software Development" (CWE-699)
Relevant to the view "Weaknesses for Simplified Mapping of Published Vulnerabilities" (CWE-1003)
Relevant to the view "Architectural Concepts" (CWE-1008)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Ruby (Undetermined Prevalence) PHP (Undetermined Prevalence) Python (Undetermined Prevalence) JavaScript (Undetermined Prevalence) Technologies Class: ICS/OT (Often Prevalent) Example 1 This code snippet deserializes an object from a file and uses it as a UI button: (bad code)
Example Language: Java
try {
File file = new File("object.obj"); }ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream(file)); javax.swing.JButton button = (javax.swing.JButton) in.readObject(); in.close(); This code does not attempt to verify the source or contents of the file before deserializing it. An attacker may be able to replace the intended file with a file that contains arbitrary malicious code which will be executed when the button is pressed. To mitigate this, explicitly define final readObject() to prevent deserialization. An example of this is: (good code)
Example Language: Java
private final void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws {
throw new"Cannot be deserialized"); } Example 2 In Python, the Pickle library handles the serialization and deserialization processes. In this example derived from [REF-467], the code receives and parses data, and afterwards tries to authenticate a user based on validating a token. (bad code)
Example Language: Python
try {
class ExampleProtocol(protocol.Protocol):
def dataReceived(self, data): # Code that would be here would parse the incoming data # After receiving headers, call confirmAuth() to authenticate def confirmAuth(self, headers): try: token = cPickle.loads(base64.b64decode(headers['AuthToken'])) if not check_hmac(token['signature'], token['data'], getSecretKey()): raise AuthFail self.secure_data = token['data'] except: raise AuthFail Unfortunately, the code does not verify that the incoming data is legitimate. An attacker can construct a illegitimate, serialized object "AuthToken" that instantiates one of Python's subprocesses to execute arbitrary commands. For instance,the attacker could construct a pickle that leverages Python's subprocess module, which spawns new processes and includes a number of arguments for various uses. Since Pickle allows objects to define the process for how they should be unpickled, the attacker can direct the unpickle process to call Popen in the subprocess module and execute /bin/sh.
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-111: Direct Use of Unsafe JNI
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterWhen a Java application uses the Java Native Interface (JNI) to call code written in another programming language, it can expose the application to weaknesses in that code, even if those weaknesses cannot occur in Java.
Many safety features that programmers may take for granted do not apply for native code, so you must carefully review all such code for potential problems. The languages used to implement native code may be more susceptible to buffer overflows and other attacks. Native code is unprotected by the security features enforced by the runtime environment, such as strong typing and array bounds checking.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Seven Pernicious Kingdoms" (CWE-700)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following code defines a class named Echo. The class declares one native method (defined below), which uses C to echo commands entered on the console back to the user. The following C code defines the native method implemented in the Echo class: (bad code)
Example Language: Java
class Echo {
public native void runEcho(); static { System.loadLibrary("echo"); public static void main(String[] args) { new Echo().runEcho(); (bad code)
Example Language: C
#include <jni.h>
#include "Echo.h"//the java class above compiled with javah #include <stdio.h> JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_Echo_runEcho(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj) { char buf[64]; }gets(buf); printf(buf); Because the example is implemented in Java, it may appear that it is immune to memory issues like buffer overflow vulnerabilities. Although Java does do a good job of making memory operations safe, this protection does not extend to vulnerabilities occurring in source code written in other languages that are accessed using the Java Native Interface. Despite the memory protections offered in Java, the C code in this example is vulnerable to a buffer overflow because it makes use of gets(), which does not check the length of its input. The Sun Java(TM) Tutorial provides the following description of JNI [See Reference]: The JNI framework lets your native method utilize Java objects in the same way that Java code uses these objects. A native method can create Java objects, including arrays and strings, and then inspect and use these objects to perform its tasks. A native method can also inspect and use objects created by Java application code. A native method can even update Java objects that it created or that were passed to it, and these updated objects are available to the Java application. Thus, both the native language side and the Java side of an application can create, update, and access Java objects and then share these objects between them. The vulnerability in the example above could easily be detected through a source code audit of the native method implementation. This may not be practical or possible depending on the availability of the C source code and the way the project is built, but in many cases it may suffice. However, the ability to share objects between Java and native methods expands the potential risk to much more insidious cases where improper data handling in Java may lead to unexpected vulnerabilities in native code or unsafe operations in native code corrupt data structures in Java. Vulnerabilities in native code accessed through a Java application are typically exploited in the same manner as they are in applications written in the native language. The only challenge to such an attack is for the attacker to identify that the Java application uses native code to perform certain operations. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways, including identifying specific behaviors that are often implemented with native code or by exploiting a system information exposure in the Java application that reveals its use of JNI [See Reference].
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-609: Double-Checked Locking
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterThe product uses double-checked locking to access a resource without the overhead of explicit synchronization, but the locking is insufficient.
Double-checked locking refers to the situation where a programmer checks to see if a resource has been initialized, grabs a lock, checks again to see if the resource has been initialized, and then performs the initialization if it has not occurred yet. This should not be done, as it is not guaranteed to work in all languages and on all architectures. In summary, other threads may not be operating inside the synchronous block and are not guaranteed to see the operations execute in the same order as they would appear inside the synchronous block.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Software Development" (CWE-699)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 It may seem that the following bit of code achieves thread safety while avoiding unnecessary synchronization... (bad code)
Example Language: Java
if (helper == null) {
synchronized (this) {
if (helper == null) { }helper = new Helper(); }return helper; The programmer wants to guarantee that only one Helper() object is ever allocated, but does not want to pay the cost of synchronization every time this code is called. Suppose that helper is not initialized. Then, thread A sees that helper==null and enters the synchronized block and begins to execute: (bad code)
helper = new Helper();
If a second thread, thread B, takes over in the middle of this call and helper has not finished running the constructor, then thread B may make calls on helper while its fields hold incorrect values.
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-462: Duplicate Key in Associative List (Alist)
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterDuplicate keys in associative lists can lead to non-unique keys being mistaken for an error.
A duplicate key entry -- if the alist is designed properly -- could be used as a constant time replace function. However, duplicate key entries could be inserted by mistake. Because of this ambiguity, duplicate key entries in an association list are not recommended and should not be allowed.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages C (Undetermined Prevalence) C++ (Undetermined Prevalence) Java (Undetermined Prevalence) C# (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following code adds data to a list and then attempts to sort the data. (bad code)
Example Language: Python
alist = []
while (foo()): #now assume there is a string data with a key basename queue.append(basename,data)
queue.sort() Since basename is not necessarily unique, this may not sort how one would like it to be.
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-575: EJB Bad Practices: Use of AWT Swing
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom Filter
The Enterprise JavaBeans specification requires that every bean provider follow a set of programming guidelines designed to ensure that the bean will be portable and behave consistently in any EJB container. In this case, the product violates the following EJB guideline: "An enterprise bean must not use the AWT functionality to attempt to output information to a display, or to input information from a keyboard." The specification justifies this requirement in the following way: "Most servers do not allow direct interaction between an application program and a keyboard/display attached to the server system."
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following Java example is a simple converter class for converting US dollars to Yen. This converter class demonstrates the improper practice of using a stateless session Enterprise JavaBean that implements an AWT Component and AWT keyboard event listener to retrieve keyboard input from the user for the amount of the US dollars to convert to Yen. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public class ConverterSessionBean extends Component implements KeyListener, ConverterSessionRemote { /* member variables for receiving keyboard input using AWT API */ ... private StringBuffer enteredText = new StringBuffer(); /* conversion rate on US dollars to Yen */ private BigDecimal yenRate = new BigDecimal("115.3100"); public ConverterSessionBean() { super();
/* method calls for setting up AWT Component for receiving keyboard input */ ... addKeyListener(this); public BigDecimal dollarToYen(BigDecimal dollars) { BigDecimal result = dollars.multiply(yenRate); }return result.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN); /* member functions for implementing AWT KeyListener interface */ public void keyTyped(KeyEvent event) { ... }public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { } public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e) { } /* member functions for receiving keyboard input and displaying output */ public void paint(Graphics g) {...} ... This use of the AWT and Swing APIs within any kind of Enterprise JavaBean not only violates the restriction of the EJB specification against using AWT or Swing within an EJB but also violates the intended use of Enterprise JavaBeans to separate business logic from presentation logic. The Stateless Session Enterprise JavaBean should contain only business logic. Presentation logic should be provided by some other mechanism such as Servlets or Java Server Pages (JSP) as in the following Java/JSP example. (good code)
Example Language: Java
public class ConverterSessionBean implements ConverterSessionRemoteInterface { /* conversion rate on US dollars to Yen */ private BigDecimal yenRate = new BigDecimal("115.3100"); public ConverterSessionBean() { } /* remote method to convert US dollars to Yen */ public BigDecimal dollarToYen(BigDecimal dollars) { BigDecimal result = dollars.multiply(yenRate); }return result.setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN); (good code)
Example Language: JSP
<%@ page import="converter.ejb.Converter, java.math.*, javax.naming.*"%>
<%! private Converter converter = null;
public void jspInit() { try { }InitialContext ic = new InitialContext(); } catch (Exception ex) {converter = (Converter) ic.lookup(Converter.class.getName()); System.out.println("Couldn't create converter bean."+ ex.getMessage()); }public void jspDestroy() { converter = null; }%> <html> <head><title>Converter</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white"> <h1>Converter</h1>
<hr> <p>Enter an amount to convert:</p> <form method="get"> <input type="text" name="amount" size="25"><br> </form><p> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> <input type="reset" value="Reset"> <% String amount = request.getParameter("amount");
if ( amount != null && amount.length() > 0 ) { BigDecimal d = new BigDecimal(amount);
BigDecimal yenAmount = converter.dollarToYen(d); %> <p> <%= amount %> dollars are <%= yenAmount %> Yen. <p> <% }
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-578: EJB Bad Practices: Use of Class Loader
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterThe product violates the Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) specification by using the class loader.
The Enterprise JavaBeans specification requires that every bean provider follow a set of programming guidelines designed to ensure that the bean will be portable and behave consistently in any EJB container. In this case, the product violates the following EJB guideline: "The enterprise bean must not attempt to create a class loader; obtain the current class loader; set the context class loader; set security manager; create a new security manager; stop the JVM; or change the input, output, and error streams." The specification justifies this requirement in the following way: "These functions are reserved for the EJB container. Allowing the enterprise bean to use these functions could compromise security and decrease the container's ability to properly manage the runtime environment."
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following Java example is a simple stateless Enterprise JavaBean that retrieves the interest rate for the number of points for a mortgage. The interest rates for various points are retrieved from an XML document on the local file system, and the EJB uses the Class Loader for the EJB class to obtain the XML document from the local file system as an input stream. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public class InterestRateBean implements InterestRateRemote { private Document interestRateXMLDocument = null;
public InterestRateBean() { try {
// get XML document from the local filesystem as an input stream // using the ClassLoader for this class ClassLoader loader = this.getClass().getClassLoader(); InputStream in = loader.getResourceAsStream(Constants.INTEREST_RATE_FILE); DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); } catch (IOException ex) {...}interestRateXMLDocument = db.parse(interestRateFile); public BigDecimal getInterestRate(Integer points) {
return getInterestRateFromXML(points); }/* member function to retrieve interest rate from XML document on the local file system */ private BigDecimal getInterestRateFromXML(Integer points) {...} This use of the Java Class Loader class within any kind of Enterprise JavaBean violates the restriction of the EJB specification against obtaining the current class loader as this could compromise the security of the application using the EJB. Example 2 An EJB is also restricted from creating a custom class loader and creating a class and instance of a class from the class loader, as shown in the following example. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public class LoaderSessionBean implements LoaderSessionRemote { public LoaderSessionBean() {
try { }ClassLoader loader = new CustomClassLoader(); } catch (Exception ex) {...}Class c = loader.loadClass("someClass"); Object obj = c.newInstance(); /* perform some task that uses the new class instance member variables or functions */ ... public class CustomClassLoader extends ClassLoader { }
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-576: EJB Bad Practices: Use of Java I/O
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterThe product violates the Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) specification by using the package.
The Enterprise JavaBeans specification requires that every bean provider follow a set of programming guidelines designed to ensure that the bean will be portable and behave consistently in any EJB container. In this case, the product violates the following EJB guideline: "An enterprise bean must not use the package to attempt to access files and directories in the file system." The specification justifies this requirement in the following way: "The file system APIs are not well-suited for business components to access data. Business components should use a resource manager API, such as JDBC, to store data."
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following Java example is a simple stateless Enterprise JavaBean that retrieves the interest rate for the number of points for a mortgage. In this example, the interest rates for various points are retrieved from an XML document on the local file system, and the EJB uses the Java I/O API to retrieve the XML document from the local file system. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public class InterestRateBean implements InterestRateRemote { private Document interestRateXMLDocument = null;
private File interestRateFile = null; public InterestRateBean() { try {
/* get XML document from the local filesystem */ interestRateFile = new File(Constants.INTEREST_RATE_FILE); if (interestRateFile.exists()) { DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); }DocumentBuilder db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder(); interestRateXMLDocument = db.parse(interestRateFile); public BigDecimal getInterestRate(Integer points) { return getInterestRateFromXML(points); }/* member function to retrieve interest rate from XML document on the local file system */ private BigDecimal getInterestRateFromXML(Integer points) {...} This use of the Java I/O API within any kind of Enterprise JavaBean violates the EJB specification by using the package for accessing files within the local filesystem. An Enterprise JavaBean should use a resource manager API for storing and accessing data. In the following example, the private member function getInterestRateFromXMLParser uses an XML parser API to retrieve the interest rates. (good code)
Example Language: Java
public class InterestRateBean implements InterestRateRemote { public InterestRateBean() { } public BigDecimal getInterestRate(Integer points) { return getInterestRateFromXMLParser(points); }/* member function to retrieve interest rate from XML document using an XML parser API */ private BigDecimal getInterestRateFromXMLParser(Integer points) {...}
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-577: EJB Bad Practices: Use of Sockets
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom Filter
The Enterprise JavaBeans specification requires that every bean provider follow a set of programming guidelines designed to ensure that the bean will be portable and behave consistently in any EJB container. In this case, the product violates the following EJB guideline: "An enterprise bean must not attempt to listen on a socket, accept connections on a socket, or use a socket for multicast." The specification justifies this requirement in the following way: "The EJB architecture allows an enterprise bean instance to be a network socket client, but it does not allow it to be a network server. Allowing the instance to become a network server would conflict with the basic function of the enterprise bean-- to serve the EJB clients."
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following Java example is a simple stateless Enterprise JavaBean that retrieves stock symbols and stock values. The Enterprise JavaBean creates a socket and listens for and accepts connections from clients on the socket. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public class StockSymbolBean implements StockSymbolRemote { ServerSocket serverSocket = null; Socket clientSocket = null; public StockSymbolBean() { try {
serverSocket = new ServerSocket(Constants.SOCKET_PORT); } catch (IOException ex) {...}try { clientSocket = serverSocket.accept(); } catch (IOException e) {...}public String getStockSymbol(String name) {...} public BigDecimal getStockValue(String symbol) {...} private void processClientInputFromSocket() {...} And the following Java example is similar to the previous example but demonstrates the use of multicast socket connections within an Enterprise JavaBean. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public class StockSymbolBean extends Thread implements StockSymbolRemote { ServerSocket serverSocket = null; Socket clientSocket = null; boolean listening = false; public StockSymbolBean() { try {
serverSocket = new ServerSocket(Constants.SOCKET_PORT); } catch (IOException ex) {...}listening = true; while(listening) { start(); }public String getStockSymbol(String name) {...} public BigDecimal getStockValue(String symbol) {...} public void run() { try { }clientSocket = serverSocket.accept(); } catch (IOException e) {...}... The previous two examples within any type of Enterprise JavaBean violate the EJB specification by attempting to listen on a socket, accepting connections on a socket, or using a socket for multicast.
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-574: EJB Bad Practices: Use of Synchronization Primitives
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterThe product violates the Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) specification by using thread synchronization primitives.
The Enterprise JavaBeans specification requires that every bean provider follow a set of programming guidelines designed to ensure that the bean will be portable and behave consistently in any EJB container. In this case, the product violates the following EJB guideline: "An enterprise bean must not use thread synchronization primitives to synchronize execution of multiple instances." The specification justifies this requirement in the following way: "This rule is required to ensure consistent runtime semantics because while some EJB containers may use a single JVM to execute all enterprise bean's instances, others may distribute the instances across multiple JVMs."
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 In the following Java example a Customer Entity EJB provides access to customer information in a database for a business application. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public class Customer implements Serializable { private String id;
private String firstName; private String lastName; private Address address; public Customer() {...} public Customer(String id, String firstName, String lastName) {...} @Id public String getCustomerId() {...} public synchronized void setCustomerId(String id) {...} public String getFirstName() {...} public synchronized void setFirstName(String firstName) {...} public String getLastName() {...} public synchronized void setLastName(String lastName) {...} @OneToOne() public Address getAddress() {...} public synchronized void setAddress(Address address) {...} However, the customer entity EJB uses the synchronized keyword for the set methods to attempt to provide thread safe synchronization for the member variables. The use of synchronized methods violate the restriction of the EJB specification against the use synchronization primitives within EJBs. Using synchronization primitives may cause inconsistent behavior of the EJB when used within different EJB containers.
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-585: Empty Synchronized Block
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom Filter
An empty synchronized block does not actually accomplish any synchronization and may indicate a troubled section of code. An empty synchronized block can occur because code no longer needed within the synchronized block is commented out without removing the synchronized block.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following code attempts to synchronize on an object, but does not execute anything in the synchronized block. This does not actually accomplish anything and may be a sign that a programmer is wrestling with synchronization but has not yet achieved the result they intend. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
synchronized(this) { }
Instead, in a correct usage, the synchronized statement should contain procedures that access or modify data that is exposed to multiple threads. For example, consider a scenario in which several threads are accessing student records at the same time. The method which sets the student ID to a new value will need to make sure that nobody else is accessing this data at the same time and will require synchronization. (good code)
public void setID(int ID){
synchronized(this){ }this.ID = ID; }
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-586: Explicit Call to Finalize()
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom Filter
While the Java Language Specification allows an object's finalize() method to be called from outside the finalizer, doing so is usually a bad idea. For example, calling finalize() explicitly means that finalize() will be called more than once: the first time will be the explicit call and the last time will be the call that is made after the object is garbage collected.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Software Development" (CWE-699)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following code fragment calls finalize() explicitly: (bad code)
Example Language: Java
// time to clean up widget.finalize();
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-583: finalize() Method Declared Public
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterThe product violates secure coding principles for mobile code by declaring a finalize() method public.
A product should never call finalize explicitly, except to call super.finalize() inside an implementation of finalize(). In mobile code situations, the otherwise error prone practice of manual garbage collection can become a security threat if an attacker can maliciously invoke a finalize() method because it is declared with public access.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following Java Applet code mistakenly declares a public finalize() method. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public final class urlTool extends Applet {
public void finalize() { }... }... Mobile code, in this case a Java Applet, is code that is transmitted across a network and executed on a remote machine. Because mobile code developers have little if any control of the environment in which their code will execute, special security concerns become relevant. One of the biggest environmental threats results from the risk that the mobile code will run side-by-side with other, potentially malicious, mobile code. Because all of the popular web browsers execute code from multiple sources together in the same JVM, many of the security guidelines for mobile code are focused on preventing manipulation of your objects' state and behavior by adversaries who have access to the same virtual machine where your product is running.
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-568: finalize() Method Without super.finalize()
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom Filter
The Java Language Specification states that it is a good practice for a finalize() method to call super.finalize().
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following method omits the call to super.finalize(). (bad code)
Example Language: Java
protected void finalize() {
discardNative(); }
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-209: Generation of Error Message Containing Sensitive Information
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterThe product generates an error message that includes sensitive information about its environment, users, or associated data.
The sensitive information may be valuable information on its own (such as a password), or it may be useful for launching other, more serious attacks. The error message may be created in different ways:
An attacker may use the contents of error messages to help launch another, more focused attack. For example, an attempt to exploit a path traversal weakness (CWE-22) might yield the full pathname of the installed application. In turn, this could be used to select the proper number of ".." sequences to navigate to the targeted file. An attack using SQL injection (CWE-89) might not initially succeed, but an error message could reveal the malformed query, which would expose query logic and possibly even passwords or other sensitive information used within the query. This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Software Development" (CWE-699)
Relevant to the view "Weaknesses for Simplified Mapping of Published Vulnerabilities" (CWE-1003)
Relevant to the view "Architectural Concepts" (CWE-1008)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages PHP (Often Prevalent) Java (Often Prevalent) Class: Not Language-Specific (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 In the following example, sensitive information might be printed depending on the exception that occurs. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
try {
/.../ }catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); }If an exception related to SQL is handled by the catch, then the output might contain sensitive information such as SQL query structure or private information. If this output is redirected to a web user, this may represent a security problem. Example 2 This code tries to open a database connection, and prints any exceptions that occur. (bad code)
Example Language: PHP
try {
openDbConnection(); }//print exception message that includes exception message and configuration file location catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), '\n'; }echo 'Check credentials in config file at: ', $Mysql_config_location, '\n'; If an exception occurs, the printed message exposes the location of the configuration file the script is using. An attacker can use this information to target the configuration file (perhaps exploiting a Path Traversal weakness). If the file can be read, the attacker could gain credentials for accessing the database. The attacker may also be able to replace the file with a malicious one, causing the application to use an arbitrary database. Example 3 The following code generates an error message that leaks the full pathname of the configuration file. If this code is running on a server, such as a web application, then the person making the request should not know what the full pathname of the configuration directory is. By submitting a username that does not produce a $file that exists, an attacker could get this pathname. It could then be used to exploit path traversal or symbolic link following problems that may exist elsewhere in the application. Example 4 In the example below, the method getUserBankAccount retrieves a bank account object from a database using the supplied username and account number to query the database. If an SQLException is raised when querying the database, an error message is created and output to a log file. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public BankAccount getUserBankAccount(String username, String accountNumber) {
BankAccount userAccount = null;
String query = null; try { if (isAuthorizedUser(username)) { } catch (SQLException ex) {query = "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE owner = " }+ username + " AND accountID = " + accountNumber; DatabaseManager dbManager = new DatabaseManager(); Connection conn = dbManager.getConnection(); Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet queryResult = stmt.executeQuery(query); userAccount = (BankAccount)queryResult.getObject(accountNumber); String logMessage = "Unable to retrieve account information from database,\nquery: " + query; }Logger.getLogger(BankManager.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, logMessage, ex); return userAccount; The error message that is created includes information about the database query that may contain sensitive information about the database or query logic. In this case, the error message will expose the table name and column names used in the database. This data could be used to simplify other attacks, such as SQL injection (CWE-89) to directly access the database.
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-460: Improper Cleanup on Thrown Exception
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterThe product does not clean up its state or incorrectly cleans up its state when an exception is thrown, leading to unexpected state or control flow.
Often, when functions or loops become complicated, some level of resource cleanup is needed throughout execution. Exceptions can disturb the flow of the code and prevent the necessary cleanup from happening.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Architectural Concepts" (CWE-1008)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages C (Undetermined Prevalence) C++ (Undetermined Prevalence) Java (Undetermined Prevalence) C# (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following example demonstrates the weakness. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public class foo {
public static final void main( String args[] ) {
boolean returnValue; returnValue=doStuff(); public static final boolean doStuff( ) { boolean threadLock; boolean truthvalue=true; try { while( //check some condition ) { threadLock=true; //do some stuff to truthvalue threadLock=false; catch (Exception e){ System.err.println("You did something bad"); if (something) return truthvalue; return truthvalue; In this case, a thread might be left locked accidentally.
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-95: Improper Neutralization of Directives in Dynamically Evaluated Code ('Eval Injection')
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterThe product receives input from an upstream component, but it does not neutralize or incorrectly neutralizes code syntax before using the input in a dynamic evaluation call (e.g. "eval").
This may allow an attacker to execute arbitrary code, or at least modify what code can be executed.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Architectural Concepts" (CWE-1008)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) JavaScript (Undetermined Prevalence) Python (Undetermined Prevalence) Perl (Undetermined Prevalence) PHP (Undetermined Prevalence) Ruby (Undetermined Prevalence) Class: Interpreted (Undetermined Prevalence) Technologies AI/ML (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 This CGI script is used to modify settings in a configuration file. (bad code)
Example Language: Perl
use CGI qw(:standard);
sub config_file_add_key { my ($fname, $key, $arg) = @_;
# code to add a field/key to a file goes here sub config_file_set_key { my ($fname, $key, $arg) = @_;
# code to set key to a particular file goes here sub config_file_delete_key { my ($fname, $key, $arg) = @_;
# code to delete key from a particular file goes here sub handleConfigAction { my ($fname, $action) = @_;
my $key = param('key'); my $val = param('val'); # this is super-efficient code, especially if you have to invoke # any one of dozens of different functions! my $code = "config_file_$action_key(\$fname, \$key, \$val);"; eval($code); $configfile = "/home/cwe/config.txt"; print header; if (defined(param('action'))) { handleConfigAction($configfile, param('action')); }else { print "No action specified!\n"; }The script intends to take the 'action' parameter and invoke one of a variety of functions based on the value of that parameter - config_file_add_key(), config_file_set_key(), or config_file_delete_key(). It could set up a conditional to invoke each function separately, but eval() is a powerful way of doing the same thing in fewer lines of code, especially when a large number of functions or variables are involved. Unfortunately, in this case, the attacker can provide other values in the action parameter, such as: (attack code)
add_key(",","); system("/bin/ls");
This would produce the following string in handleConfigAction(): (result)
config_file_add_key(",","); system("/bin/ls");
Any arbitrary Perl code could be added after the attacker has "closed off" the construction of the original function call, in order to prevent parsing errors from causing the malicious eval() to fail before the attacker's payload is activated. This particular manipulation would fail after the system() call, because the "_key(\$fname, \$key, \$val)" portion of the string would cause an error, but this is irrelevant to the attack because the payload has already been activated. Example 2 This simple script asks a user to supply a list of numbers as input and adds them together. (bad code)
Example Language: Python
def main():
sum = 0
numbers = eval(input("Enter a space-separated list of numbers: ")) for num in numbers:
sum = sum + num
print(f"Sum of {numbers} = {sum}")
The eval() function can take the user-supplied list and convert it into a Python list object, therefore allowing the programmer to use list comprehension methods to work with the data. However, if code is supplied to the eval() function, it will execute that code. For example, a malicious user could supply the following string: (attack code)
__import__('subprocess').getoutput('rm -r *')
This would delete all the files in the current directory. For this reason, it is not recommended to use eval() with untrusted input. A way to accomplish this without the use of eval() is to apply an integer conversion on the input within a try/except block. If the user-supplied input is not numeric, this will raise a ValueError. By avoiding eval(), there is no opportunity for the input string to be executed as code. (good code)
Example Language: Python
def main():
sum = 0
numbers = input("Enter a space-separated list of numbers: ").split(" ") try:
for num in numbers:
except ValueError:
sum = sum + int(num)
print(f"Sum of {numbers} = {sum}")
print("Error: invalid input")
An alternative, commonly-cited mitigation for this kind of weakness is to use the ast.literal_eval() function, since it is intentionally designed to avoid executing code. However, an adversary could still cause excessive memory or stack consumption via deeply nested structures [REF-1372], so the python documentation discourages use of ast.literal_eval() on untrusted data [REF-1373].
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
Factors: special character errors can play a role in increasing the variety of code that can be injected, although some vulnerabilities do not require special characters at all, e.g. when a single function without arguments can be referenced and a terminator character is not necessary.
CWE-1336: Improper Neutralization of Special Elements Used in a Template Engine
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterThe product uses a template engine to insert or process externally-influenced input, but it does not neutralize or incorrectly neutralizes special elements or syntax that can be interpreted as template expressions or other code directives when processed by the engine.
Many web applications use template engines that allow developers to insert externally-influenced values into free text or messages in order to generate a full web page, document, message, etc. Such engines include Twig, Jinja2, Pug, Java Server Pages, FreeMarker, Velocity, ColdFusion, Smarty, and many others - including PHP itself. Some CMS (Content Management Systems) also use templates. Template engines often have their own custom command or expression language. If an attacker can influence input into a template before it is processed, then the attacker can invoke arbitrary expressions, i.e. perform injection attacks. For example, in some template languages, an attacker could inject the expression "{{7*7}}" and determine if the output returns "49" instead. The syntax varies depending on the language. In some cases, XSS-style attacks can work, which can obscure the root cause if the developer does not closely investigate the root cause of the error. Template engines can be used on the server or client, so both "sides" could be affected by injection. The mechanisms of attack or the affected technologies might be different, but the mistake is fundamentally the same.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) PHP (Undetermined Prevalence) Python (Undetermined Prevalence) JavaScript (Undetermined Prevalence) Class: Interpreted (Undetermined Prevalence) Operating Systems Class: Not OS-Specific (Undetermined Prevalence) Technologies AI/ML (Undetermined Prevalence) Class: Client Server (Undetermined Prevalence)
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-917: Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an Expression Language Statement ('Expression Language Injection')
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For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
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Edit Custom FilterThe product constructs all or part of an expression language (EL) statement in a framework such as a Java Server Page (JSP) using externally-influenced input from an upstream component, but it does not neutralize or incorrectly neutralizes special elements that could modify the intended EL statement before it is executed.
Frameworks such as Java Server Page (JSP) allow a developer to insert executable expressions within otherwise-static content. When the developer is not aware of the executable nature of these expressions and/or does not disable them, then if an attacker can inject expressions, this could lead to code execution or other unexpected behaviors.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Software Development" (CWE-699)
Relevant to the view "Weaknesses for Simplified Mapping of Published Vulnerabilities" (CWE-1003)
Relevant to the view "CISQ Quality Measures (2020)" (CWE-1305)
Relevant to the view "CISQ Data Protection Measures" (CWE-1340)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence)
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
In certain versions of Spring 3.0.5 and earlier, there was a vulnerability (CVE-2011-2730) in which Expression Language tags would be evaluated twice, which effectively exposed any application to EL injection. However, even for later versions, this weakness is still possible depending on configuration.
CWE-1335: Incorrect Bitwise Shift of Integer
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For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
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Edit Custom FilterAn integer value is specified to be shifted by a negative amount or an amount greater than or equal to the number of bits contained in the value causing an unexpected or indeterminate result.
Specifying a value to be shifted by a negative amount is undefined in various languages. Various computer architectures implement this action in different ways. The compilers and interpreters when generating code to accomplish a shift generally do not do a check for this issue. Specifying an over-shift, a shift greater than or equal to the number of bits contained in a value to be shifted, produces a result which varies by architecture and compiler. In some languages, this action is specifically listed as producing an undefined result. This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Software Development" (CWE-699)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages C (Undetermined Prevalence) C++ (Undetermined Prevalence) C# (Undetermined Prevalence) Java (Undetermined Prevalence) JavaScript (Undetermined Prevalence) Operating Systems Class: Not OS-Specific (Undetermined Prevalence) Technologies Class: Not Technology-Specific (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 A negative shift amount for an x86 or x86_64 shift instruction will produce the number of bits to be shifted by taking a 2's-complement of the shift amount and effectively masking that amount to the lowest 6 bits for a 64 bit shift instruction. (bad code)
Example Language: C
unsigned int r = 1 << -5;
The example above ends up with a shift amount of -5. The hexadecimal value is FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFD which, when bits above the 6th bit are masked off, the shift amount becomes a binary shift value of 111101 which is 61 decimal. A shift of 61 produces a very different result than -5. The previous example is a very simple version of the following code which is probably more realistic of what happens in a real system. (bad code)
Example Language: C
int choose_bit(int reg_bit, int bit_number_from_elsewhere)
reg_bit -= bit_number_from_elsewhere;
}return reg_bit; unsigned int handle_io_register(unsigned int *r) {
unsigned int the_bit = 1 << choose_bit(5, 10);
*r |= the_bit; return the_bit; (good code)
Example Language: C
int choose_bit(int reg_bit, int bit_number_from_elsewhere)
reg_bit -= bit_number_from_elsewhere;
}return reg_bit; unsigned int handle_io_register(unsigned int *r) {
int the_bit_number = choose_bit(5, 10);
if ((the_bit_number > 0) && (the_bit_number < 63)) {
unsigned int the_bit = 1 << the_bit_number;
}*r |= the_bit; return the_bit; Note that the good example not only checks for negative shifts and disallows them, but it also checks for over-shifts. No bit operation is done if the shift is out of bounds. Depending on the program, perhaps an error message should be logged.
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-1235: Incorrect Use of Autoboxing and Unboxing for Performance Critical Operations
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For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
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Edit Custom FilterThe code uses boxed primitives, which may introduce inefficiencies into performance-critical operations.
Languages such as Java and C# support automatic conversion through their respective compilers from primitive types into objects of the corresponding wrapper classes, and vice versa. For example, a compiler might convert an int to Integer (called autoboxing) or an Integer to int (called unboxing). This eliminates forcing the programmer to perform these conversions manually, which makes the code cleaner. However, this feature comes at a cost of performance and can lead to resource exhaustion and impact availability when used with generic collections. Therefore, they should not be used for scientific computing or other performance critical operations. They are only suited to support "impedance mismatch" between reference types and primitives. This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Software Development" (CWE-699)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) C# (Undetermined Prevalence) Operating Systems Class: Not OS-Specific (Undetermined Prevalence) Architectures Class: Not Architecture-Specific (Undetermined Prevalence) Technologies Class: Not Technology-Specific (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 Java has a boxed primitive for each primitive type. A long can be represented with the boxed primitive Long. Issues arise where boxed primitives are used when not strictly necessary. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
Long count = 0L;
for (long i = 0; i < Integer.MAX_VALUE; i++) {
count += i;
In the above loop, we see that the count variable is declared as a boxed primitive. This causes autoboxing on the line that increments. This causes execution to be magnitudes less performant (time and possibly space) than if the "long" primitive was used to declare the count variable, which can impact availability of a resource. Example 2 This code uses primitive long which fixes the issue. (good code)
Example Language: Java
long count = 0L;
for (long i = 0; i < Integer.MAX_VALUE; i++) {
count += i;
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-192: Integer Coercion Error
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For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
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For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterInteger coercion refers to a set of flaws pertaining to the type casting, extension, or truncation of primitive data types.
Several flaws fall under the category of integer coercion errors. For the most part, these errors in and of themselves result only in availability and data integrity issues. However, in some circumstances, they may result in other, more complicated security related flaws, such as buffer overflow conditions.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages C (Undetermined Prevalence) C++ (Undetermined Prevalence) Java (Undetermined Prevalence) C# (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following code is intended to read an incoming packet from a socket and extract one or more headers. (bad code)
Example Language: C
DataPacket *packet;
int numHeaders; PacketHeader *headers; sock=AcceptSocketConnection(); ReadPacket(packet, sock); numHeaders =packet->headers; if (numHeaders > 100) { ExitError("too many headers!"); }headers = malloc(numHeaders * sizeof(PacketHeader); ParsePacketHeaders(packet, headers); The code performs a check to make sure that the packet does not contain too many headers. However, numHeaders is defined as a signed int, so it could be negative. If the incoming packet specifies a value such as -3, then the malloc calculation will generate a negative number (say, -300 if each header can be a maximum of 100 bytes). When this result is provided to malloc(), it is first converted to a size_t type. This conversion then produces a large value such as 4294966996, which may cause malloc() to fail or to allocate an extremely large amount of memory (CWE-195). With the appropriate negative numbers, an attacker could trick malloc() into using a very small positive number, which then allocates a buffer that is much smaller than expected, potentially leading to a buffer overflow. Example 2 The following code reads a maximum size and performs validation on that size. It then performs a strncpy, assuming it will not exceed the boundaries of the array. While the use of "short s" is forced in this particular example, short int's are frequently used within real-world code, such as code that processes structured data. (bad code)
Example Language: C
int GetUntrustedInt () {
return(0x0000FFFF); }void main (int argc, char **argv) { char path[256];
char *input; int i; short s; unsigned int sz; i = GetUntrustedInt(); s = i; /* s is -1 so it passes the safety check - CWE-697 */ if (s > 256) { DiePainfully("go away!\n"); }/* s is sign-extended and saved in sz */ sz = s; /* output: i=65535, s=-1, sz=4294967295 - your mileage may vary */ printf("i=%d, s=%d, sz=%u\n", i, s, sz); input = GetUserInput("Enter pathname:"); /* strncpy interprets s as unsigned int, so it's treated as MAX_INT (CWE-195), enabling buffer overflow (CWE-119) */ strncpy(path, input, s); path[255] = '\0'; /* don't want CWE-170 */ printf("Path is: %s\n", path); This code first exhibits an example of CWE-839, allowing "s" to be a negative number. When the negative short "s" is converted to an unsigned integer, it becomes an extremely large positive integer. When this converted integer is used by strncpy() it will lead to a buffer overflow (CWE-119).
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
Within C, it might be that "coercion" is semantically different than "casting", possibly depending on whether the programmer directly specifies the conversion, or if the compiler does it implicitly. This has implications for the presentation of this entry and others, such as CWE-681, and whether there is enough of a difference for these entries to be split.
CWE-191: Integer Underflow (Wrap or Wraparound)
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For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterThe product subtracts one value from another, such that the result is less than the minimum allowable integer value, which produces a value that is not equal to the correct result.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Software Development" (CWE-699)
Relevant to the view "Weaknesses for Simplified Mapping of Published Vulnerabilities" (CWE-1003)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages C (Undetermined Prevalence) C++ (Undetermined Prevalence) Java (Undetermined Prevalence) C# (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following example subtracts from a 32 bit signed integer. (bad code)
Example Language: C
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h> main (void) { int i; }i = -2147483648; i = i - 1; return 0; The example has an integer underflow. The value of i is already at the lowest negative value possible, so after subtracting 1, the new value of i is 2147483647. Example 2 This code performs a stack allocation based on a length calculation. (bad code)
Example Language: C
int a = 5, b = 6;
size_t len = a - b; char buf[len]; // Just blows up the stack Since a and b are declared as signed ints, the "a - b" subtraction gives a negative result (-1). However, since len is declared to be unsigned, len is cast to an extremely large positive number (on 32-bit systems - 4294967295). As a result, the buffer buf[len] declaration uses an extremely large size to allocate on the stack, very likely more than the entire computer's memory space. Miscalculations usually will not be so obvious. The calculation will either be complicated or the result of an attacker's input to attain the negative value.
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-245: J2EE Bad Practices: Direct Management of Connections
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterThe J2EE application directly manages connections, instead of using the container's connection management facilities.
The J2EE standard forbids the direct management of connections. It requires that applications use the container's resource management facilities to obtain connections to resources. Every major web application container provides pooled database connection management as part of its resource management framework. Duplicating this functionality in an application is difficult and error prone, which is part of the reason it is forbidden under the J2EE standard.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 In the following example, the class DatabaseConnection opens and manages a connection to a database for a J2EE application. The method openDatabaseConnection opens a connection to the database using a DriverManager to create the Connection object conn to the database specified in the string constant CONNECT_STRING. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public class DatabaseConnection {
private static final String CONNECT_STRING = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysqldb";
private Connection conn = null; public DatabaseConnection() { } public void openDatabaseConnection() { try { }conn = DriverManager.getConnection(CONNECT_STRING); } catch (SQLException ex) {...}// Member functions for retrieving database connection and accessing database ... The use of the DriverManager class to directly manage the connection to the database violates the J2EE restriction against the direct management of connections. The J2EE application should use the web application container's resource management facilities to obtain a connection to the database as shown in the following example. (good code)
public class DatabaseConnection {
private static final String DB_DATASRC_REF = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mysqldb";
private Connection conn = null; public DatabaseConnection() { } public void openDatabaseConnection() { try {
InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
DataSource datasource = (DataSource) ctx.lookup(DB_DATASRC_REF); conn = datasource.getConnection(); } catch (SQLException ex) {...} // Member functions for retrieving database connection and accessing database ...
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-246: J2EE Bad Practices: Direct Use of Sockets
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For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterThe J2EE standard permits the use of sockets only for the purpose of communication with legacy systems when no higher-level protocol is available. Authoring your own communication protocol requires wrestling with difficult security issues. Without significant scrutiny by a security expert, chances are good that a custom communication protocol will suffer from security problems. Many of the same issues apply to a custom implementation of a standard protocol. While there are usually more resources available that address security concerns related to implementing a standard protocol, these resources are also available to attackers. This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following example opens a socket to connect to a remote server. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
// Perform servlet tasks. ... // Open a socket to a remote server (bad). Socket sock = null; try { sock = new Socket(remoteHostname, 3000);
// Do something with the socket. ... ... }A Socket object is created directly within the Java servlet, which is a dangerous way to manage remote connections.
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-383: J2EE Bad Practices: Direct Use of Threads
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterThread management in a Web application is forbidden in some circumstances and is always highly error prone.
Thread management in a web application is forbidden by the J2EE standard in some circumstances and is always highly error prone. Managing threads is difficult and is likely to interfere in unpredictable ways with the behavior of the application container. Even without interfering with the container, thread management usually leads to bugs that are hard to detect and diagnose like deadlock, race conditions, and other synchronization errors.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 In the following example, a new Thread object is created and invoked directly from within the body of a doGet() method in a Java servlet. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
// Perform servlet tasks. ... // Create a new thread to handle background processing. Runnable r = new Runnable() { public void run() {
// Process and store request statistics. ... new Thread(r).start();
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-579: J2EE Bad Practices: Non-serializable Object Stored in Session
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterThe product stores a non-serializable object as an HttpSession attribute, which can hurt reliability.
A J2EE application can make use of multiple JVMs in order to improve application reliability and performance. In order to make the multiple JVMs appear as a single application to the end user, the J2EE container can replicate an HttpSession object across multiple JVMs so that if one JVM becomes unavailable another can step in and take its place without disrupting the flow of the application. This is only possible if all session data is serializable, allowing the session to be duplicated between the JVMs.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Architectural Concepts" (CWE-1008)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following class adds itself to the session, but because it is not serializable, the session can no longer be replicated. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public class DataGlob {
String globName;
String globValue; public void addToSession(HttpSession session) { session.setAttribute("glob", this); }
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-382: J2EE Bad Practices: Use of System.exit()
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom Filter
It is never a good idea for a web application to attempt to shut down the application container. Access to a function that can shut down the application is an avenue for Denial of Service (DoS) attacks.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 Included in the doPost() method defined below is a call to System.exit() in the event of a specific exception. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
Public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
try { }... } catch (ApplicationSpecificException ase) {logger.error("Caught: " + ase.toString()); }System.exit(1);
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-594: J2EE Framework: Saving Unserializable Objects to Disk
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterWhen the J2EE container attempts to write unserializable objects to disk there is no guarantee that the process will complete successfully.
In heavy load conditions, most J2EE application frameworks flush objects to disk to manage memory requirements of incoming requests. For example, session scoped objects, and even application scoped objects, are written to disk when required. While these application frameworks do the real work of writing objects to disk, they do not enforce that those objects be serializable, thus leaving the web application vulnerable to crashes induced by serialization failure. An attacker may be able to mount a denial of service attack by sending enough requests to the server to force the web application to save objects to disk.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 In the following Java example, a Customer Entity JavaBean provides access to customer information in a database for a business application. The Customer Entity JavaBean is used as a session scoped object to return customer information to a Session EJB. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public class Customer { private String id;
private String firstName; private String lastName; private Address address; public Customer() { } public Customer(String id, String firstName, String lastName) {...} @Id public String getCustomerId() {...} public void setCustomerId(String id) {...} public String getFirstName() {...} public void setFirstName(String firstName) {...} public String getLastName() {...} public void setLastName(String lastName) {...} @OneToOne() public Address getAddress() {...} public void setAddress(Address address) {...} } However, the Customer Entity JavaBean is an unserialized object which can cause serialization failure and crash the application when the J2EE container attempts to write the object to the system. Session scoped objects must implement the Serializable interface to ensure that the objects serialize properly. (good code)
Example Language: Java
public class Customer implements Serializable {...}
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-5: J2EE Misconfiguration: Data Transmission Without Encryption
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterInformation sent over a network can be compromised while in transit. An attacker may be able to read or modify the contents if the data are sent in plaintext or are weakly encrypted.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence)
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
Other If an application uses SSL to guarantee confidential communication with client browsers, the application configuration should make it impossible to view any access controlled page without SSL. There are three common ways for SSL to be bypassed:
CWE-6: J2EE Misconfiguration: Insufficient Session-ID Length
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom Filter
If an attacker can guess or steal a session ID, then they may be able to take over the user's session (called session hijacking). The number of possible session IDs increases with increased session ID length, making it more difficult to guess or steal a session ID.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Architectural Concepts" (CWE-1008)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following XML example code is a deployment descriptor for a Java web application deployed on a Sun Java Application Server. This deployment descriptor includes a session configuration property for configuring the session ID length. (bad code)
Example Language: XML
<session-config> <session-properties>
<property name="idLengthBytes" value="8"> </session-properties><description>The number of bytes in this web module's session ID.</description> </property>... This deployment descriptor has set the session ID length for this Java web application to 8 bytes (or 64 bits). The session ID length for Java web applications should be set to 16 bytes (128 bits) to prevent attackers from guessing and/or stealing a session ID and taking over a user's session. Note for most application servers including the Sun Java Application Server the session ID length is by default set to 128 bits and should not be changed. And for many application servers the session ID length cannot be changed from this default setting. Check your application server documentation for the session ID length default setting and configuration options to ensure that the session ID length is set to 128 bits.
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-7: J2EE Misconfiguration: Missing Custom Error Page
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterThe default error page of a web application should not display sensitive information about the product.
A Web application must define a default error page for 4xx errors (e.g. 404), 5xx (e.g. 500) errors and catch java.lang.Throwable exceptions to prevent attackers from mining information from the application container's built-in error response. When an attacker explores a web site looking for vulnerabilities, the amount of information that the site provides is crucial to the eventual success or failure of any attempted attacks. This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 In the snippet below, an unchecked runtime exception thrown from within the try block may cause the container to display its default error page (which may contain a full stack trace, among other things). (bad code)
Example Language: Java
Public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
try { }... } catch (ApplicationSpecificException ase) {logger.error("Caught: " + ase.toString()); }
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-537: Java Runtime Error Message Containing Sensitive Information
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterIn many cases, an attacker can leverage the conditions that cause unhandled exception errors in order to gain unauthorized access to the system.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 In the following Java example the class InputFileRead enables an input file to be read using a FileReader object. In the constructor of this class a default input file path is set to some directory on the local file system and the method setInputFile must be called to set the name of the input file to be read in the default directory. The method readInputFile will create the FileReader object and will read the contents of the file. If the method setInputFile is not called prior to calling the method readInputFile then the File object will remain null when initializing the FileReader object. A Java RuntimeException will be raised, and an error message will be output to the user. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public class InputFileRead {
private File readFile = null;
private FileReader reader = null; private String inputFilePath = null; private final String DEFAULT_FILE_PATH = "c:\\somedirectory\\"; public InputFileRead() { inputFilePath = DEFAULT_FILE_PATH; }public void setInputFile(String inputFile) { /* Assume appropriate validation / encoding is used and privileges / permissions are preserved */ public void readInputFile() { try {
reader = new FileReader(readFile); } catch (RuntimeException rex) {... System.err.println("Error: Cannot open input file in the directory " + inputFilePath);
System.err.println("Input file has not been set, call setInputFile method before calling readInputFile"); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {...} However, the error message output to the user contains information regarding the default directory on the local file system. This information can be exploited and may lead to unauthorized access or use of the system. Any Java RuntimeExceptions that are handled should not expose sensitive information to the user. Example 2 In the example below, the BankManagerLoginServlet servlet class will process a login request to determine if a user is authorized to use the BankManager Web service. The doPost method will retrieve the username and password from the servlet request and will determine if the user is authorized. If the user is authorized the servlet will go to the successful login page. Otherwise, the servlet will raise a FailedLoginException and output the failed login message to the error page of the service. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public class BankManagerLoginServlet extends HttpServlet {
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
try {
// Get username and password from login page request String username = request.getParameter("username"); String password = request.getParameter("password"); // Authenticate user BankManager bankMgr = new BankManager(); boolean isAuthentic = bankMgr.authenticateUser(username, password); // If user is authenticated then go to successful login page if (isAuthentic) { request.setAttribute("login", new String("Login Successful.")); }getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/BankManagerServiceLoggedIn.jsp"). forward(request, response); else { // Otherwise, raise failed login exception and output unsuccessful login message to error page throw new FailedLoginException("Failed Login for user " + username + " with password " + password); // output failed login message to error page request.setAttribute("error", new String("Login Error")); request.setAttribute("message", ex.getMessage()); getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/ErrorPage.jsp").forward(request, response); However, the output message generated by the FailedLoginException includes the user-supplied password. Even if the password is erroneous, it is probably close to the correct password. Since it is printed to the user's page, anybody who can see the screen display will be able to see the password. Also, if the page is cached, the password might be written to disk.
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-478: Missing Default Case in Multiple Condition Expression
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterThe code does not have a default case in an expression with multiple conditions, such as a switch statement.
If a multiple-condition expression (such as a switch in C) omits the default case but does not consider or handle all possible values that could occur, then this might lead to complex logical errors and resultant weaknesses. Because of this, further decisions are made based on poor information, and cascading failure results. This cascading failure may result in any number of security issues, and constitutes a significant failure in the system.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Software Development" (CWE-699)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages C (Undetermined Prevalence) C++ (Undetermined Prevalence) Java (Undetermined Prevalence) C# (Undetermined Prevalence) Python (Undetermined Prevalence) JavaScript (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following does not properly check the return code in the case where the security_check function returns a -1 value when an error occurs. If an attacker can supply data that will invoke an error, the attacker can bypass the security check: (bad code)
Example Language: C
#define FAILED 0
#define PASSED 1 int result; ... result = security_check(data); switch (result) { case FAILED:
printf("Security check failed!\n");
exit(-1); //Break never reached because of exit() break; case PASSED: printf("Security check passed.\n");
break; // program execution continues... ... Instead a default label should be used for unaccounted conditions: (good code)
Example Language: C
#define FAILED 0
#define PASSED 1 int result; ... result = security_check(data); switch (result) { case FAILED:
printf("Security check failed!\n");
exit(-1); //Break never reached because of exit() break; case PASSED: printf("Security check passed.\n");
break; default: printf("Unknown error (%d), exiting...\n",result);
exit(-1); This label is used because the assumption cannot be made that all possible cases are accounted for. A good practice is to reserve the default case for error handling. Example 2 In the following Java example the method getInterestRate retrieves the interest rate for the number of points for a mortgage. The number of points is provided within the input parameter and a switch statement will set the interest rate value to be returned based on the number of points. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public static final String INTEREST_RATE_AT_ZERO_POINTS = "5.00";
public static final String INTEREST_RATE_AT_ONE_POINTS = "4.75"; public static final String INTEREST_RATE_AT_TWO_POINTS = "4.50"; ... public BigDecimal getInterestRate(int points) { BigDecimal result = new BigDecimal(INTEREST_RATE_AT_ZERO_POINTS);
switch (points) { case 0:
result = new BigDecimal(INTEREST_RATE_AT_ZERO_POINTS);
break; case 1: result = new BigDecimal(INTEREST_RATE_AT_ONE_POINTS);
break; case 2: result = new BigDecimal(INTEREST_RATE_AT_TWO_POINTS);
break; return result; However, this code assumes that the value of the points input parameter will always be 0, 1 or 2 and does not check for other incorrect values passed to the method. This can be easily accomplished by providing a default label in the switch statement that outputs an error message indicating an invalid value for the points input parameter and returning a null value. (good code)
Example Language: Java
public static final String INTEREST_RATE_AT_ZERO_POINTS = "5.00";
public static final String INTEREST_RATE_AT_ONE_POINTS = "4.75"; public static final String INTEREST_RATE_AT_TWO_POINTS = "4.50"; ... public BigDecimal getInterestRate(int points) { BigDecimal result = new BigDecimal(INTEREST_RATE_AT_ZERO_POINTS);
switch (points) { case 0:
result = new BigDecimal(INTEREST_RATE_AT_ZERO_POINTS);
break; case 1: result = new BigDecimal(INTEREST_RATE_AT_ONE_POINTS);
break; case 2: result = new BigDecimal(INTEREST_RATE_AT_TWO_POINTS);
break; default: System.err.println("Invalid value for points, must be 0, 1 or 2");
System.err.println("Returning null value for interest rate"); result = null; return result; Example 3 In the following Python example the match-case statements (available in Python version 3.10 and later) perform actions based on the result of the process_data() function. The expected return is either 0 or 1. However, if an unexpected result (e.g., -1 or 2) is obtained then no actions will be taken potentially leading to an unexpected program state. (bad code)
Example Language: Python
result = process_data(data)
match result: case 0:
print("Properly handle zero case.")
case 1: print("Properly handle one case.")
# program execution continues... The recommended approach is to add a default case that captures any unexpected result conditions, regardless of how improbable these unexpected conditions might be, and properly handles them. (good code)
Example Language: Python
result = process_data(data)
match result: case 0:
print("Properly handle zero case.")
case 1: print("Properly handle one case.")
case _: print("Properly handle unexpected condition.")
# program execution continues... Example 4 In the following JavaScript example the switch-case statements (available in JavaScript version 1.2 and later) are used to process a given step based on the result of a calcuation involving two inputs. The expected return is either 1, 2, or 3. However, if an unexpected result (e.g., 4) is obtained then no action will be taken potentially leading to an unexpected program state. (bad code)
Example Language: JavaScript
let step = input1 + input2;
switch(step) { case 1:
alert("Process step 1.");
break; case 2: alert("Process step 2.");
break; case 3: alert("Process step 3.");
break; } // program execution continues... The recommended approach is to add a default case that captures any unexpected result conditions and properly handles them. (good code)
Example Language: JavaScript
let step = input1 + input2;
switch(step) { case 1:
alert("Process step 1.");
break; case 2: alert("Process step 2.");
break; case 3: alert("Process step 3.");
break; default: alert("Unexpected step encountered.");
} // program execution continues... Example 5 The Finite State Machine (FSM) shown in the "bad" code snippet below assigns the output ("out") based on the value of state, which is determined based on the user provided input ("user_input"). (bad code)
Example Language: Verilog
module fsm_1(out, user_input, clk, rst_n);
input [2:0] user_input; input clk, rst_n; output reg [2:0] out; reg [1:0] state; always @ (posedge clk or negedge rst_n ) begin
if (!rst_n)
state = 3'h0;
elsecase (user_input)
3'h1: 3'h2: 3'h3: state = 2'h3; 3'h4: state = 2'h2; 3'h5: state = 2'h1; out <= {1'h1, state};
The case statement does not include a default to handle the scenario when the user provides inputs of 3'h6 and 3'h7. Those inputs push the system to an undefined state and might cause a crash (denial of service) or any other unanticipated outcome. Adding a default statement to handle undefined inputs mitigates this issue. This is shown in the "Good" code snippet below. The default statement is in bold. (good code)
Example Language: Verilog
case (user_input)
endcase3'h1: 3'h2: 3'h3: state = 2'h3; 3'h4: state = 2'h2; 3'h5: state = 2'h1; default: state = 2'h0;
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-1341: Multiple Releases of Same Resource or Handle
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterThe product attempts to close or release a resource or handle more than once, without any successful open between the close operations.
Code typically requires "opening" handles or references to resources such as memory, files, devices, socket connections, services, etc. When the code is finished with using the resource, it is typically expected to "close" or "release" the resource, which indicates to the environment (such as the OS) that the resource can be re-assigned or reused by unrelated processes or actors - or in some cases, within the same process. API functions or other abstractions are often used to perform this release, such as free() or delete() within C/C++, or file-handle close() operations that are used in many languages. Unfortunately, the implementation or design of such APIs might expect the developer to be responsible for ensuring that such APIs are only called once per release of the resource. If the developer attempts to release the same resource/handle more than once, then the API's expectations are not met, resulting in undefined and/or insecure behavior. This could lead to consequences such as memory corruption, data corruption, execution path corruption, or other consequences. Note that while the implementation for most (if not all) resource reservation allocations involve a unique identifier/pointer/symbolic reference, then if this identifier is reused, checking the identifier for resource closure may result in a false state of openness and closing of the wrong resource. For this reason, reuse of identifiers is discouraged. This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Software Development" (CWE-699)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Rust (Undetermined Prevalence) Class: Not Language-Specific (Undetermined Prevalence) C (Undetermined Prevalence) C++ (Undetermined Prevalence) Operating Systems Class: Not OS-Specific (Undetermined Prevalence) Architectures Class: Not Architecture-Specific (Undetermined Prevalence) Technologies Class: Not Technology-Specific (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 This example attempts to close a file twice. In some cases, the C library fclose() function will catch the error and return an error code. In other implementations, a double-free (CWE-415) occurs, causing the program to fault. Note that the examples presented here are simplistic, and double fclose() calls will frequently be spread around a program, making them more difficult to find during code reviews. (bad code)
Example Language: C
char b[2000];
FILE *f = fopen("dbl_cls.c", "r"); if (f) { b[0] = 0;
fread(b, 1, sizeof(b) - 1, f); printf("%s\n'", b); int r1 = fclose(f); printf("\n-----------------\n1 close done '%d'\n", r1); int r2 = fclose(f); // Double close printf("2 close done '%d'\n", r2); There are multiple possible fixes. This fix only has one call to fclose(), which is typically the preferred handling of this problem - but this simplistic method is not always possible. (good code)
Example Language: C
char b[2000];
FILE *f = fopen("dbl_cls.c", "r"); if (f) { b[0] = 0;
fread(b, 1, sizeof(b) - 1, f); printf("%s\n'", b); int r = fclose(f); printf("\n-----------------\n1 close done '%d'\n", r); This fix uses a flag to call fclose() only once. Note that this flag is explicit. The variable "f" could also have been used as it will be either NULL if the file is not able to be opened or a valid pointer if the file was successfully opened. If "f" is replacing "f_flg" then "f" would need to be set to NULL after the first fclose() call so the second fclose call would never be executed. (good code)
Example Language: C
char b[2000];
int f_flg = 0; FILE *f = fopen("dbl_cls.c", "r"); if (f) { f_flg = 1; b[0] = 0; fread(b, 1, sizeof(b) - 1, f); printf("%s\n'", b); if (f_flg) { int r1 = fclose(f); f_flg = 0; printf("\n-----------------\n1 close done '%d'\n", r1); } if (f_flg) { int r2 = fclose(f); // Double close f_flg = 0; printf("2 close done '%d'\n", r2); } } Example 2 The following code shows a simple example of a double free vulnerability. (bad code)
Example Language: C
char* ptr = (char*)malloc (SIZE);
... if (abrt) { free(ptr); }... free(ptr); Double free vulnerabilities have two common (and sometimes overlapping) causes:
Although some double free vulnerabilities are not much more complicated than this example, most are spread out across hundreds of lines of code or even different files. Programmers seem particularly susceptible to freeing global variables more than once.
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
The terms related to "release" may vary depending on the type of resource, programming language, specification, or framework. "Close" has been used synonymously for the release of resources like file descriptors and file handles. "Return" is sometimes used instead of Release. "Free" is typically used when releasing memory or buffers back into the system for reuse.
CWE-476: NULL Pointer Dereference
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom Filter
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Software Development" (CWE-699)
Relevant to the view "Weaknesses for Simplified Mapping of Published Vulnerabilities" (CWE-1003)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages C (Undetermined Prevalence) C++ (Undetermined Prevalence) Java (Undetermined Prevalence) C# (Undetermined Prevalence) Go (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 While there are no complete fixes aside from conscientious programming, the following steps will go a long way to ensure that NULL pointer dereferences do not occur. (good code)
if (pointer1 != NULL) {
/* make use of pointer1 */ /* ... */ When working with a multithreaded or otherwise asynchronous environment, ensure that proper locking APIs are used to lock before the if statement; and unlock when it has finished. Example 2 This example takes an IP address from a user, verifies that it is well formed and then looks up the hostname and copies it into a buffer. (bad code)
Example Language: C
void host_lookup(char *user_supplied_addr){
struct hostent *hp;
in_addr_t *addr; char hostname[64]; in_addr_t inet_addr(const char *cp); /*routine that ensures user_supplied_addr is in the right format for conversion */ validate_addr_form(user_supplied_addr); addr = inet_addr(user_supplied_addr); hp = gethostbyaddr( addr, sizeof(struct in_addr), AF_INET); strcpy(hostname, hp->h_name); If an attacker provides an address that appears to be well-formed, but the address does not resolve to a hostname, then the call to gethostbyaddr() will return NULL. Since the code does not check the return value from gethostbyaddr (CWE-252), a NULL pointer dereference (CWE-476) would then occur in the call to strcpy(). Note that this code is also vulnerable to a buffer overflow (CWE-119). Example 3 In the following code, the programmer assumes that the system always has a property named "cmd" defined. If an attacker can control the program's environment so that "cmd" is not defined, the program throws a NULL pointer exception when it attempts to call the trim() method. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
String cmd = System.getProperty("cmd");
cmd = cmd.trim(); Example 4 This Android application has registered to handle a URL when sent an intent: (bad code)
Example Language: Java
... IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter("com.example.URLHandler.openURL"); MyReceiver receiver = new MyReceiver(); registerReceiver(receiver, filter); ... public class UrlHandlerReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { @Override
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { if("com.example.URLHandler.openURL".equals(intent.getAction())) {
String URL = intent.getStringExtra("URLToOpen");
int length = URL.length(); ... } The application assumes the URL will always be included in the intent. When the URL is not present, the call to getStringExtra() will return null, thus causing a null pointer exception when length() is called. Example 5 Consider the following example of a typical client server exchange. The HandleRequest function is intended to perform a request and use a defer to close the connection whenever the function returns. (bad code)
Example Language: Go
func HandleRequest(client http.Client, request *http.Request) (*http.Response, error) {
response, err := client.Do(request)
}defer response.Body.Close() if err != nil {
return nil, err
}... If a user supplies a malformed request or violates the client policy, the Do method can return a nil response and a non-nil err. This HandleRequest Function evaluates the close before checking the error. A deferred call's arguments are evaluated immediately, so the defer statement panics due to a nil response.
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-197: Numeric Truncation Error
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterTruncation errors occur when a primitive is cast to a primitive of a smaller size and data is lost in the conversion.
When a primitive is cast to a smaller primitive, the high order bits of the large value are lost in the conversion, potentially resulting in an unexpected value that is not equal to the original value. This value may be required as an index into a buffer, a loop iterator, or simply necessary state data. In any case, the value cannot be trusted and the system will be in an undefined state. While this method may be employed viably to isolate the low bits of a value, this usage is rare, and truncation usually implies that an implementation error has occurred.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "CISQ Quality Measures (2020)" (CWE-1305)
Relevant to the view "CISQ Data Protection Measures" (CWE-1340)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages C (Undetermined Prevalence) C++ (Undetermined Prevalence) Java (Undetermined Prevalence) C# (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 This example, while not exploitable, shows the possible mangling of values associated with truncation errors: (bad code)
Example Language: C
int intPrimitive;
short shortPrimitive; intPrimitive = (int)(~((int)0) ^ (1 << (sizeof(int)*8-1))); shortPrimitive = intPrimitive; printf("Int MAXINT: %d\nShort MAXINT: %d\n", intPrimitive, shortPrimitive); The above code, when compiled and run on certain systems, returns the following output: (result)
Int MAXINT: 2147483647
Short MAXINT: -1 This problem may be exploitable when the truncated value is used as an array index, which can happen implicitly when 64-bit values are used as indexes, as they are truncated to 32 bits. Example 2 In the following Java example, the method updateSalesForProduct is part of a business application class that updates the sales information for a particular product. The method receives as arguments the product ID and the integer amount sold. The product ID is used to retrieve the total product count from an inventory object which returns the count as an integer. Before calling the method of the sales object to update the sales count the integer values are converted to The primitive type short since the method requires short type for the method arguments. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
// update sales database for number of product sold with product ID public void updateSalesForProduct(String productID, int amountSold) { // get the total number of products in inventory database int productCount = inventory.getProductCount(productID); // convert integer values to short, the method for the // sales object requires the parameters to be of type short short count = (short) productCount; short sold = (short) amountSold; // update sales database for product sales.updateSalesCount(productID, count, sold); ... However, a numeric truncation error can occur if the integer values are higher than the maximum value allowed for the primitive type short. This can cause unexpected results or loss or corruption of data. In this case the sales database may be corrupted with incorrect data. Explicit casting from a from a larger size primitive type to a smaller size primitive type should be prevented. The following example an if statement is added to validate that the integer values less than the maximum value for the primitive type short before the explicit cast and the call to the sales method. (good code)
Example Language: Java
// update sales database for number of product sold with product ID public void updateSalesForProduct(String productID, int amountSold) { // get the total number of products in inventory database int productCount = inventory.getProductCount(productID); // make sure that integer numbers are not greater than // maximum value for type short before converting if ((productCount < Short.MAX_VALUE) && (amountSold < Short.MAX_VALUE)) { // convert integer values to short, the method for the // sales object requires the parameters to be of type short short count = (short) productCount; short sold = (short) amountSold; // update sales database for product sales.updateSalesCount(productID, count, sold); else { // throw exception or perform other processing ... }...
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
Research Gap
This weakness has traditionally been under-studied and under-reported, although vulnerabilities in popular software have been published in 2008 and 2009.
CWE-581: Object Model Violation: Just One of Equals and Hashcode Defined
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom Filter
Java objects are expected to obey a number of invariants related to equality. One of these invariants is that equal objects must have equal hashcodes. In other words, if a.equals(b) == true then a.hashCode() == b.hashCode().
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Software Development" (CWE-699)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence)
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-484: Omitted Break Statement in Switch
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterThe product omits a break statement within a switch or similar construct, causing code associated with multiple conditions to execute. This can cause problems when the programmer only intended to execute code associated with one condition.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Software Development" (CWE-699)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages C (Undetermined Prevalence) C++ (Undetermined Prevalence) Java (Undetermined Prevalence) C# (Undetermined Prevalence) PHP (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 In both of these examples, a message is printed based on the month passed into the function: (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public void printMessage(int month){
switch (month) {
case 1: print("January"); case 2: print("February"); case 3: print("March"); case 4: print("April"); case 5: print("May"); case 6: print("June"); case 7: print("July"); case 8: print("August"); case 9: print("September"); case 10: print("October"); case 11: print("November"); case 12: print("December"); println(" is a great month"); (bad code)
Example Language: C
void printMessage(int month){
switch (month) {
case 1: printf("January"); case 2: printf("February"); case 3: printf("March"); case 4: printf("April"); case 5: printff("May"); case 6: printf("June"); case 7: printf("July"); case 8: printf("August"); case 9: printf("September"); case 10: printf("October"); case 11: printf("November"); case 12: printf("December"); printf(" is a great month"); Both examples do not use a break statement after each case, which leads to unintended fall-through behavior. For example, calling "printMessage(10)" will result in the text "OctoberNovemberDecember is a great month" being printed.
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-374: Passing Mutable Objects to an Untrusted Method
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom Filter
The function or method that has been called can alter or delete the mutable data. This could violate assumptions that the calling function has made about its state. In situations where unknown code is called with references to mutable data, this external code could make changes to the data sent. If this data was not previously cloned, the modified data might not be valid in the context of execution.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Software Development" (CWE-699)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages C (Undetermined Prevalence) C++ (Undetermined Prevalence) Java (Undetermined Prevalence) C# (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following example demonstrates the weakness. (bad code)
Example Language: C
int foo;
complexType bar; String baz; otherClass externalClass; public: void doStuff() {
externalClass.doOtherStuff(foo, bar, baz) }In this example, bar and baz will be passed by reference to doOtherStuff() which may change them. Example 2 In the following Java example, the BookStore class manages the sale of books in a bookstore, this class includes the member objects for the bookstore inventory and sales database manager classes. The BookStore class includes a method for updating the sales database and inventory when a book is sold. This method retrieves a Book object from the bookstore inventory object using the supplied ISBN number for the book class, then calls a method for the sales object to update the sales information and then calls a method for the inventory object to update inventory for the BookStore. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public class BookStore {
private BookStoreInventory inventory;
private SalesDBManager sales; ... // constructor for BookStore public BookStore() { this.inventory = new BookStoreInventory(); }this.sales = new SalesDBManager(); ... public void updateSalesAndInventoryForBookSold(String bookISBN) { // Get book object from inventory using ISBN Book book = inventory.getBookWithISBN(bookISBN); // update sales information for book sold sales.updateSalesInformation(book); // update inventory inventory.updateInventory(book); // other BookStore methods ... public class Book { private String title; }private String author; private String isbn; // Book object constructors and get/set methods ... However, in this example the Book object that is retrieved and passed to the method of the sales object could have its contents modified by the method. This could cause unexpected results when the book object is sent to the method for the inventory object to update the inventory. In the Java programming language arguments to methods are passed by value, however in the case of objects a reference to the object is passed by value to the method. When an object reference is passed as a method argument a copy of the object reference is made within the method and therefore both references point to the same object. This allows the contents of the object to be modified by the method that holds the copy of the object reference. [REF-374] In this case the contents of the Book object could be modified by the method of the sales object prior to the call to update the inventory. To prevent the contents of the Book object from being modified, a copy of the Book object should be made before the method call to the sales object. In the following example a copy of the Book object is made using the clone() method and the copy of the Book object is passed to the method of the sales object. This will prevent any changes being made to the original Book object. (good code)
Example Language: Java
public void updateSalesAndInventoryForBookSold(String bookISBN) { // Get book object from inventory using ISBN Book book = inventory.getBookWithISBN(bookISBN); // Create copy of book object to make sure contents are not changed Book bookSold = (Book) book.clone(); // update sales information for book sold sales.updateSalesInformation(bookSold); // update inventory inventory.updateInventory(book); ...
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-495: Private Data Structure Returned From A Public Method
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterThe product has a method that is declared public, but returns a reference to a private data structure, which could then be modified in unexpected ways.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages C (Undetermined Prevalence) C++ (Undetermined Prevalence) Java (Undetermined Prevalence) C# (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 Here, a public method in a Java class returns a reference to a private array. Given that arrays in Java are mutable, any modifications made to the returned reference would be reflected in the original private array. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
private String[] colors;
public String[] getColors() { return colors; }Example 2 In this example, the Color class defines functions that return non-const references to private members (an array type and an integer type), which are then arbitrarily altered from outside the control of the class. (bad code)
Example Language: C++
class Color
{ private: };int[2] colorArray; public:int colorValue; Color () : colorArray { 1, 2 }, colorValue (3) { }; int[2] & fa () { return colorArray; } // return reference to private array int & fv () { return colorValue; } // return reference to private integer int main () { Color c; }c.fa () [1] = 42; // modifies private array element c.fv () = 42; // modifies private int return 0;
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-491: Public cloneable() Method Without Final ('Object Hijack')
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterA class has a cloneable() method that is not declared final, which allows an object to be created without calling the constructor. This can cause the object to be in an unexpected state.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 In this example, a public class "BankAccount" implements the cloneable() method which declares "Object clone(string accountnumber)": (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public class BankAccount implements Cloneable{
public Object clone(String accountnumber) throws
CloneNotSupportedException { Object returnMe = new BankAccount(account number);
... Example 2 In the example below, a clone() method is defined without being declared final. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
... }
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-496: Public Data Assigned to Private Array-Typed Field
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterAssigning public data to a private array is equivalent to giving public access to the array.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages C (Undetermined Prevalence) C++ (Undetermined Prevalence) Java (Undetermined Prevalence) C# (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 In the example below, the setRoles() method assigns a publically-controllable array to a private field, thus allowing the caller to modify the private array directly by virtue of the fact that arrays in Java are mutable. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
private String[] userRoles;
public void setUserRoles(String[] userRoles) { this.userRoles = userRoles; }
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-500: Public Static Field Not Marked Final
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterAn object contains a public static field that is not marked final, which might allow it to be modified in unexpected ways.
Public static variables can be read without an accessor and changed without a mutator by any classes in the application.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages C++ (Undetermined Prevalence) Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following examples use of a public static String variable to contain the name of a property/configuration file for the application. (bad code)
Example Language: C++
class SomeAppClass {
public: static string appPropertiesConfigFile = "app/properties.config";
... (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public class SomeAppClass {
public static String appPropertiesFile = "app/"; ... Having a public static variable that is not marked final (constant) may allow the variable to the altered in a way not intended by the application. In this example the String variable can be modified to indicate a different on nonexistent properties file which could cause the application to crash or caused unexpected behavior. (good code)
Example Language: C++
class SomeAppClass {
public: static const string appPropertiesConfigFile = "app/properties.config";
... (good code)
Example Language: Java
public class SomeAppClass {
public static final String appPropertiesFile = "app/"; ...
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-607: Public Static Final Field References Mutable Object
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterA public or protected static final field references a mutable object, which allows the object to be changed by malicious code, or accidentally from another package.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 Here, an array (which is inherently mutable) is labeled public static final. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public static final String[] USER_ROLES;
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-366: Race Condition within a Thread
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterIf two threads of execution use a resource simultaneously, there exists the possibility that resources may be used while invalid, in turn making the state of execution undefined.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Software Development" (CWE-699)
Relevant to the view "CISQ Quality Measures (2020)" (CWE-1305)
Relevant to the view "CISQ Data Protection Measures" (CWE-1340)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages C (Undetermined Prevalence) C++ (Undetermined Prevalence) Java (Undetermined Prevalence) C# (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following example demonstrates the weakness. (bad code)
Example Language: C
int foo = 0;
int storenum(int num) { static int counter = 0; }counter++; if (num > foo) foo = num; return foo; (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public classRace {
static int foo = 0;
public static void main() { new Threader().start(); foo = 1; public static class Threader extends Thread { public void run() { System.out.println(foo); }
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-487: Reliance on Package-level Scope
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterJava packages are not inherently closed; therefore, relying on them for code security is not a good practice.
The purpose of package scope is to prevent accidental access by other parts of a program. This is an ease-of-software-development feature but not a security feature.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Software Development" (CWE-699)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following example demonstrates the weakness. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
package math;
public class Lebesgue implements Integration{ public final Static String youAreHidingThisFunction(functionToIntegrate){
return ...;
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-375: Returning a Mutable Object to an Untrusted Caller
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterSending non-cloned mutable data as a return value may result in that data being altered or deleted by the calling function.
In situations where functions return references to mutable data, it is possible that the external code which called the function may make changes to the data sent. If this data was not previously cloned, the class will then be using modified data which may violate assumptions about its internal state.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Software Development" (CWE-699)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages C (Undetermined Prevalence) C++ (Undetermined Prevalence) Java (Undetermined Prevalence) C# (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 This class has a private list of patients, but provides a way to see the list : (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public class ClinicalTrial {
private PatientClass[] patientList = new PatientClass[50]; }public getPatients(...){ return patientList; }While this code only means to allow reading of the patient list, the getPatients() method returns a reference to the class's original patient list instead of a reference to a copy of the list. Any caller of this method can arbitrarily modify the contents of the patient list even though it is a private member of the class.
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-499: Serializable Class Containing Sensitive Data
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterThe code contains a class with sensitive data, but the class does not explicitly deny serialization. The data can be accessed by serializing the class through another class.
Serializable classes are effectively open classes since data cannot be hidden in them. Classes that do not explicitly deny serialization can be serialized by any other class, which can then in turn use the data stored inside it.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 This code creates a new record for a medical patient: (bad code)
Example Language: Java
class PatientRecord {
private String name; }private String socialSecurityNum; public Patient(String name,String ssn) { this.SetName(name); }this.SetSocialSecurityNumber(ssn); This object does not explicitly deny serialization, allowing an attacker to serialize an instance of this object and gain a patient's name and Social Security number even though those fields are private.
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-102: Struts: Duplicate Validation Forms
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterThe product uses multiple validation forms with the same name, which might cause the Struts Validator to validate a form that the programmer does not expect.
If two validation forms have the same name, the Struts Validator arbitrarily chooses one of the forms to use for input validation and discards the other. This decision might not correspond to the programmer's expectations, possibly leading to resultant weaknesses. Moreover, it indicates that the validation logic is not up-to-date, and can indicate that other, more subtle validation errors are present.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Seven Pernicious Kingdoms" (CWE-700)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 These two Struts validation forms have the same name. (bad code)
Example Language: XML
<form name="ProjectForm"> ... </form>
<form name="ProjectForm"> ... </form> It is not certain which form will be used by Struts. It is critically important that validation logic be maintained and kept in sync with the rest of the product.
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-104: Struts: Form Bean Does Not Extend Validation Class
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterIf a form bean does not extend an ActionForm subclass of the Validator framework, it can expose the application to other weaknesses related to insufficient input validation.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Seven Pernicious Kingdoms" (CWE-700)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 In the following Java example the class RegistrationForm is a Struts framework ActionForm Bean that will maintain user information from a registration webpage for an online business site. The user will enter registration data and through the Struts framework the RegistrationForm bean will maintain the user data. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public class RegistrationForm extends org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm {
// private variables for registration form
private String name; private String email; ... public RegistrationForm() { super(); }// getter and setter methods for private variables ... However, the RegistrationForm class extends the Struts ActionForm class which does not allow the RegistrationForm class to use the Struts validator capabilities. When using the Struts framework to maintain user data in an ActionForm Bean, the class should always extend one of the validator classes, ValidatorForm, ValidatorActionForm, DynaValidatorForm or DynaValidatorActionForm. These validator classes provide default validation and the validate method for custom validation for the Bean object to use for validating input data. The following Java example shows the RegistrationForm class extending the ValidatorForm class and implementing the validate method for validating input data. (good code)
Example Language: Java
public class RegistrationForm extends org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorForm {
// private variables for registration form
private String name; private String email; ... public RegistrationForm() { super(); }public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) {...} // getter and setter methods for private variables ... Note that the ValidatorForm class itself extends the ActionForm class within the Struts framework API.
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-105: Struts: Form Field Without Validator
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterThe product has a form field that is not validated by a corresponding validation form, which can introduce other weaknesses related to insufficient input validation.
Omitting validation for even a single input field may give attackers the leeway they need to compromise the product. Although J2EE applications are not generally susceptible to memory corruption attacks, if a J2EE application interfaces with native code that does not perform array bounds checking, an attacker may be able to use an input validation mistake in the J2EE application to launch a buffer overflow attack.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Seven Pernicious Kingdoms" (CWE-700)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 In the following example the Java class RegistrationForm is a Struts framework ActionForm Bean that will maintain user input data from a registration webpage for an online business site. The user will enter registration data and, through the Struts framework, the RegistrationForm bean will maintain the user data in the form fields using the private member variables. The RegistrationForm class uses the Struts validation capability by extending the ValidatorForm class and including the validation for the form fields within the validator XML file, validator.xml. (result)
public class RegistrationForm extends org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorForm {
// private variables for registration form private String name; private String address; private String city; private String state; private String zipcode; private String phone; private String email; public RegistrationForm() { super(); }// getter and setter methods for private variables ... The validator XML file, validator.xml, provides the validation for the form fields of the RegistrationForm. (bad code)
Example Language: XML
<formset> </form-validation><form name="RegistrationForm"> </formset><field property="name" depends="required"> </form><arg position="0" key=""/> </field><field property="address" depends="required"> <arg position="0" key="prompt.address"/> </field><field property="city" depends="required"> <arg position="0" key=""/> </field><field property="state" depends="required,mask"> <arg position="0" key="prompt.state"/> </field><var> <var-name>mask</var-name> </var><var-value>[a-zA-Z]{2}</var-value> <field property="zipcode" depends="required,mask"> <arg position="0" key="prompt.zipcode"/> </field><var> <var-name>mask</var-name> </var><var-value>\d{5}</var-value> However, in the previous example the validator XML file, validator.xml, does not provide validators for all of the form fields in the RegistrationForm. Validator forms are only provided for the first five of the seven form fields. The validator XML file should contain validator forms for all of the form fields for a Struts ActionForm bean. The following validator.xml file for the RegistrationForm class contains validator forms for all of the form fields. (good code)
Example Language: XML
<formset> </form-validation><form name="RegistrationForm"> </formset><field property="name" depends="required"> </form><arg position="0" key=""/> </field><field property="address" depends="required"> <arg position="0" key="prompt.address"/> </field><field property="city" depends="required"> <arg position="0" key=""/> </field><field property="state" depends="required,mask"> <arg position="0" key="prompt.state"/> </field><var> <var-name>mask</var-name> </var><var-value>[a-zA-Z]{2}</var-value> <field property="zipcode" depends="required,mask"> <arg position="0" key="prompt.zipcode"/> </field><var> <var-name>mask</var-name> </var><var-value>\d{5}</var-value> <field property="phone" depends="required,mask"> <arg position="0" key=""/> </field><var> <var-name>mask</var-name> </var><var-value>^([0-9]{3})(-)([0-9]{4}|[0-9]{4})$</var-value> <field property="email" depends="required,email"> <arg position="0" key=""/> </field>
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-103: Struts: Incomplete validate() Method Definition
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterThe product has a validator form that either does not define a validate() method, or defines a validate() method but does not call super.validate().
If the code does not call super.validate(), the Validation Framework cannot check the contents of the form against a validation form. In other words, the validation framework will be disabled for the given form.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Seven Pernicious Kingdoms" (CWE-700)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 In the following Java example the class RegistrationForm is a Struts framework ActionForm Bean that will maintain user input data from a registration webpage for an online business site. The user will enter registration data and the RegistrationForm bean in the Struts framework will maintain the user data. Tthe RegistrationForm class implements the validate method to validate the user input entered into the form. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public class RegistrationForm extends org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorForm {
// private variables for registration form
private String name; private String email; ... public RegistrationForm() { super(); }public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) { ActionErrors errors = new ActionErrors(); }if (getName() == null || getName().length() < 1) { errors.add("name", new ActionMessage("")); }return errors; // getter and setter methods for private variables
... } Although the validate method is implemented in this example the method does not call the validate method of the ValidatorForm parent class with a call super.validate(). Without the call to the parent validator class only the custom validation will be performed and the default validation will not be performed. The following example shows that the validate method of the ValidatorForm class is called within the implementation of the validate method. (good code)
Example Language: Java
public class RegistrationForm extends org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorForm {
// private variables for registration form
private String name; private String email; ... public RegistrationForm() { super(); }public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) { ActionErrors errors = super.validate(mapping, request);
if (errors == null) { errors = new ActionErrors(); }if (getName() == null || getName().length() < 1) { errors.add("name", new ActionMessage("")); }return errors; // getter and setter methods for private variables }...
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
This could introduce other weaknesses related to missing input validation.
The current description implies a loose composite of two separate weaknesses, so this node might need to be split or converted into a low-level category.
CWE-608: Struts: Non-private Field in ActionForm Class
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterAn ActionForm class contains a field that has not been declared private, which can be accessed without using a setter or getter.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 In the following Java example the class RegistrationForm is a Struts framework ActionForm Bean that will maintain user input data from a registration webpage for a online business site. The user will enter registration data and through the Struts framework the RegistrationForm bean will maintain the user data. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public class RegistrationForm extends org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorForm {
// variables for registration form
public String name; public String email; ... public RegistrationForm() { super(); }public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) {...} ... However, within the RegistrationForm the member variables for the registration form input data are declared public not private. All member variables within a Struts framework ActionForm class must be declared private to prevent the member variables from being modified without using the getter and setter methods. The following example shows the member variables being declared private and getter and setter methods declared for accessing the member variables. (good code)
Example Language: Java
public class RegistrationForm extends org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorForm {
// private variables for registration form
private String name; private String email; ... public RegistrationForm() { super(); }public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) {...} // getter and setter methods for private variables }...
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-106: Struts: Plug-in Framework not in Use
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterWhen an application does not use an input validation framework such as the Struts Validator, there is a greater risk of introducing weaknesses related to insufficient input validation.
Unchecked input is the leading cause of vulnerabilities in J2EE applications. Unchecked input leads to cross-site scripting, process control, and SQL injection vulnerabilities, among others. Although J2EE applications are not generally susceptible to memory corruption attacks, if a J2EE application interfaces with native code that does not perform array bounds checking, an attacker may be able to use an input validation mistake in the J2EE application to launch a buffer overflow attack. This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Seven Pernicious Kingdoms" (CWE-700)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 In the following Java example the class RegistrationForm is a Struts framework ActionForm Bean that will maintain user input data from a registration webpage for an online business site. The user will enter registration data and, through the Struts framework, the RegistrationForm bean will maintain the user data. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public class RegistrationForm extends org.apache.struts.action.ActionForm {
// private variables for registration form private String name; private String email; ... public RegistrationForm() { super(); }// getter and setter methods for private variables ... However, the RegistrationForm class extends the Struts ActionForm class which does use the Struts validator plug-in to provide validator capabilities. In the following example, the RegistrationForm Java class extends the ValidatorForm and Struts configuration XML file, struts-config.xml, instructs the application to use the Struts validator plug-in. (good code)
Example Language: Java
public class RegistrationForm extends org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorForm {
// private variables for registration form private String name; private String email; ... public RegistrationForm() { super(); }public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) {...} // getter and setter methods for private variables ... The plug-in tag of the Struts configuration XML file includes the name of the validator plug-in to be used and includes a set-property tag to instruct the application to use the file, validator-rules.xml, for default validation rules and the file, validation.XML, for custom validation. (good code)
Example Language: XML
<form-beans> <form-bean name="RegistrationForm" type="RegistrationForm"/> </form-beans>... <!-- ========================= Validator plugin ================================= --> <plug-in className="org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn"> <set-property </plug-in>property="pathnames"
value="/WEB-INF/validator-rules.xml,/WEB-INF/validation.xml"/> </struts-config>
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-107: Struts: Unused Validation Form
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom Filter
It is easy for developers to forget to update validation logic when they remove or rename action form mappings. One indication that validation logic is not being properly maintained is the presence of an unused validation form.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Seven Pernicious Kingdoms" (CWE-700)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 In the following example the class RegistrationForm is a Struts framework ActionForm Bean that will maintain user input data from a registration webpage for an online business site. The user will enter registration data and, through the Struts framework, the RegistrationForm bean will maintain the user data in the form fields using the private member variables. The RegistrationForm class uses the Struts validation capability by extending the ValidatorForm class and including the validation for the form fields within the validator XML file, validator.xml. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public class RegistrationForm extends org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorForm {
// private variables for registration form private String name; private String address; private String city; private String state; private String zipcode; // no longer using the phone form field // private String phone; private String email; public RegistrationForm() { super(); }// getter and setter methods for private variables ... (bad code)
Example Language: XML
<form name="RegistrationForm">
<field property="name" depends="required">
<arg position="0" key=""/> </field><field property="address" depends="required"> <arg position="0" key="prompt.address"/> </field><field property="city" depends="required"> <arg position="0" key=""/> </field><field property="state" depends="required,mask"> <arg position="0" key="prompt.state"/> </field><var> <var-name>mask</var-name> </var><var-value>[a-zA-Z]{2}</var-value> <field property="zipcode" depends="required,mask"> <arg position="0" key="prompt.zipcode"/> </field><var> <var-name>mask</var-name> </var><var-value>\d{5}</var-value> <field property="phone" depends="required,mask"> <arg position="0" key=""/> </field><var> <var-name>mask</var-name> </var><var-value>^([0-9]{3})(-)([0-9]{4}|[0-9]{4})$</var-value> <field property="email" depends="required,email"> <arg position="0" key=""/> </field>However, the validator XML file, validator.xml, for the RegistrationForm class includes the validation form for the user input form field "phone" that is no longer used by the input form and the RegistrationForm class. Any validation forms that are no longer required should be removed from the validator XML file, validator.xml. The existence of unused forms may be an indication to attackers that this code is out of date or poorly maintained.
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-108: Struts: Unvalidated Action Form
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom Filter
If a Struts Action Form Mapping specifies a form, it must have a validation form defined under the Struts Validator.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Seven Pernicious Kingdoms" (CWE-700)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence)
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-109: Struts: Validator Turned Off
View customized information:
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Edit Custom FilterAutomatic filtering via a Struts bean has been turned off, which disables the Struts Validator and custom validation logic. This exposes the application to other weaknesses related to insufficient input validation.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Seven Pernicious Kingdoms" (CWE-700)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 This mapping defines an action for a download form: (bad code)
Example Language: XML
<action path="/download"
type="" name="downloadForm" scope="request" input=".download" validate="false"> </action> This mapping has disabled validation. Disabling validation exposes this action to numerous types of attacks.
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reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
The Action Form mapping in the demonstrative example disables the form's validate() method. The Struts bean: write tag automatically encodes special HTML characters, replacing a < with "<" and a > with ">". This action can be disabled by specifying filter="false" as an attribute of the tag to disable specified JSP pages. However, being disabled makes these pages susceptible to cross-site scripting attacks. An attacker may be able to insert malicious scripts as user input to write to these JSP pages.
CWE-110: Struts: Validator Without Form Field
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For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
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For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterValidation fields that do not appear in forms they are associated with indicate that the validation logic is out of date.
It is easy for developers to forget to update validation logic when they make changes to an ActionForm class. One indication that validation logic is not being properly maintained is inconsistencies between the action form and the validation form. Although J2EE applications are not generally susceptible to memory corruption attacks, if a J2EE application interfaces with native code that does not perform array bounds checking, an attacker may be able to use an input validation mistake in the J2EE application to launch a buffer overflow attack. This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Seven Pernicious Kingdoms" (CWE-700)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 This example shows an inconsistency between an action form and a validation form. with a third field. This first block of code shows an action form that has two fields, startDate and endDate. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public class DateRangeForm extends ValidatorForm {
String startDate, endDate;
public void setStartDate(String startDate) { this.startDate = startDate; }public void setEndDate(String endDate) { this.endDate = endDate; }This second block of related code shows a validation form with a third field: scale. The presence of the third field suggests that DateRangeForm was modified without taking validation into account. (bad code)
Example Language: XML
<form name="DateRangeForm">
<field property="startDate" depends="date"> </form><arg0 key=""/> </field><field property="endDate" depends="date"> <arg0 key=""/> </field><field property="scale" depends="integer"> <arg0 key="range.scale"/> </field>
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-248: Uncaught Exception
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For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
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Edit Custom Filter
When an exception is not caught, it may cause the program to crash or expose sensitive information.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Software Development" (CWE-699)
Relevant to the view "CISQ Quality Measures (2020)" (CWE-1305)
Relevant to the view "CISQ Data Protection Measures" (CWE-1340)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages C++ (Undetermined Prevalence) Java (Undetermined Prevalence) C# (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following example attempts to resolve a hostname. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
protected void doPost (HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res) throws IOException {
String ip = req.getRemoteAddr(); }InetAddress addr = InetAddress.getByName(ip); ... out.println("hello " + addr.getHostName()); A DNS lookup failure will cause the Servlet to throw an exception. Example 2 The _alloca() function allocates memory on the stack. If an allocation request is too large for the available stack space, _alloca() throws an exception. If the exception is not caught, the program will crash, potentially enabling a denial of service attack. _alloca() has been deprecated as of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005(R). It has been replaced with the more secure _alloca_s(). Example 3 EnterCriticalSection() can raise an exception, potentially causing the program to crash. Under operating systems prior to Windows 2000, the EnterCriticalSection() function can raise an exception in low memory situations. If the exception is not caught, the program will crash, potentially enabling a denial of service attack.
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-567: Unsynchronized Access to Shared Data in a Multithreaded Context
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For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
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Edit Custom FilterThe product does not properly synchronize shared data, such as static variables across threads, which can lead to undefined behavior and unpredictable data changes.
Within servlets, shared static variables are not protected from concurrent access, but servlets are multithreaded. This is a typical programming mistake in J2EE applications, since the multithreading is handled by the framework. When a shared variable can be influenced by an attacker, one thread could wind up modifying the variable to contain data that is not valid for a different thread that is also using the data within the variable. Note that this weakness is not unique to servlets. This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "CISQ Quality Measures (2020)" (CWE-1305)
Relevant to the view "CISQ Data Protection Measures" (CWE-1340)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following code implements a basic counter for how many times the page has been accesed. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public static class Counter extends HttpServlet {
static int count = 0; }protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest in, HttpServletResponse out) throws ServletException, IOException { out.setContentType("text/plain"); }PrintWriter p = out.getWriter(); count++; p.println(count + " hits so far!"); Consider when two separate threads, Thread A and Thread B, concurrently handle two different requests:
At this point, both Thread A and Thread B print that one hit has been seen, even though two separate requests have been processed. The value of count should be 2, not 1. While this example does not have any real serious implications, if the shared variable in question is used for resource tracking, then resource consumption could occur. Other scenarios exist.
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reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-470: Use of Externally-Controlled Input to Select Classes or Code ('Unsafe Reflection')
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For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
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Edit Custom FilterThe product uses external input with reflection to select which classes or code to use, but it does not sufficiently prevent the input from selecting improper classes or code.
If the product uses external inputs to determine which class to instantiate or which method to invoke, then an attacker could supply values to select unexpected classes or methods. If this occurs, then the attacker could create control flow paths that were not intended by the developer. These paths could bypass authentication or access control checks, or otherwise cause the product to behave in an unexpected manner. This situation becomes a doomsday scenario if the attacker can upload files into a location that appears on the product's classpath (CWE-427) or add new entries to the product's classpath (CWE-426). Under either of these conditions, the attacker can use reflection to introduce new, malicious behavior into the product.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Software Development" (CWE-699)
Relevant to the view "Weaknesses for Simplified Mapping of Published Vulnerabilities" (CWE-1003)
Relevant to the view "Seven Pernicious Kingdoms" (CWE-700)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) PHP (Undetermined Prevalence) Class: Interpreted (Sometimes Prevalent) Example 1 A common reason that programmers use the reflection API is to implement their own command dispatcher. The following example shows a command dispatcher that does not use reflection: (good code)
Example Language: Java
String ctl = request.getParameter("ctl");
Worker ao = null; if (ctl.equals("Add")) { ao = new AddCommand(); }else if (ctl.equals("Modify")) { ao = new ModifyCommand(); }else { throw new UnknownActionError(); }ao.doAction(request); A programmer might refactor this code to use reflection as follows: (bad code)
Example Language: Java
String ctl = request.getParameter("ctl");
Class cmdClass = Class.forName(ctl + "Command"); Worker ao = (Worker) cmdClass.newInstance(); ao.doAction(request); The refactoring initially appears to offer a number of advantages. There are fewer lines of code, the if/else blocks have been entirely eliminated, and it is now possible to add new command types without modifying the command dispatcher. However, the refactoring allows an attacker to instantiate any object that implements the Worker interface. If the command dispatcher is still responsible for access control, then whenever programmers create a new class that implements the Worker interface, they must remember to modify the dispatcher's access control code. If they do not modify the access control code, then some Worker classes will not have any access control. One way to address this access control problem is to make the Worker object responsible for performing the access control check. An example of the re-refactored code follows: (bad code)
Example Language: Java
String ctl = request.getParameter("ctl");
Class cmdClass = Class.forName(ctl + "Command"); Worker ao = (Worker) cmdClass.newInstance(); ao.checkAccessControl(request); ao.doAction(request); Although this is an improvement, it encourages a decentralized approach to access control, which makes it easier for programmers to make access control mistakes. This code also highlights another security problem with using reflection to build a command dispatcher. An attacker can invoke the default constructor for any kind of object. In fact, the attacker is not even constrained to objects that implement the Worker interface; the default constructor for any object in the system can be invoked. If the object does not implement the Worker interface, a ClassCastException will be thrown before the assignment to ao, but if the constructor performs operations that work in the attacker's favor, the damage will already have been done. Although this scenario is relatively benign in simple products, in larger products where complexity grows exponentially it is not unreasonable that an attacker could find a constructor to leverage as part of an attack.
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-492: Use of Inner Class Containing Sensitive Data
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For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
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For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterInner classes are translated into classes that are accessible at package scope and may expose code that the programmer intended to keep private to attackers.
Inner classes quietly introduce several security concerns because of the way they are translated into Java bytecode. In Java source code, it appears that an inner class can be declared to be accessible only by the enclosing class, but Java bytecode has no concept of an inner class, so the compiler must transform an inner class declaration into a peer class with package level access to the original outer class. More insidiously, since an inner class can access private fields in its enclosing class, once an inner class becomes a peer class in bytecode, the compiler converts private fields accessed by the inner class into protected fields.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following Java Applet code mistakenly makes use of an inner class. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public final class urlTool extends Applet {
private final class urlHelper { }... }... Example 2 The following example shows a basic use of inner classes. The class OuterClass contains the private member inner class InnerClass. The private inner class InnerClass includes the method concat that accesses the private member variables of the class OuterClass to output the value of one of the private member variables of the class OuterClass and returns a string that is a concatenation of one of the private member variables of the class OuterClass, the separator input parameter of the method and the private member variable of the class InnerClass. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public class OuterClass {
// private member variables of OuterClass
}private String memberOne; private String memberTwo; // constructor of OuterClass public OuterClass(String varOne, String varTwo) { this.memberOne = varOne; }this.memberTwo = varTwo; // InnerClass is a member inner class of OuterClass private class InnerClass { private String innerMemberOne; }public InnerClass(String innerVarOne) { this.innerMemberOne = innerVarOne; }public String concat(String separator) {
// InnerClass has access to private member variables of OuterClass
}System.out.println("Value of memberOne is: " + memberOne); return OuterClass.this.memberTwo + separator + this.innerMemberOne; Although this is an acceptable use of inner classes it demonstrates one of the weaknesses of inner classes that inner classes have complete access to all member variables and methods of the enclosing class even those that are declared private and protected. When inner classes are compiled and translated into Java bytecode the JVM treats the inner class as a peer class with package level access to the enclosing class. To avoid this weakness of inner classes, consider using either static inner classes, local inner classes, or anonymous inner classes. The following Java example demonstrates the use of static inner classes using the previous example. The inner class InnerClass is declared using the static modifier that signifies that InnerClass is a static member of the enclosing class OuterClass. By declaring an inner class as a static member of the enclosing class, the inner class can only access other static members and methods of the enclosing class and prevents the inner class from accessing nonstatic member variables and methods of the enclosing class. In this case the inner class InnerClass can only access the static member variable memberTwo of the enclosing class OuterClass but cannot access the nonstatic member variable memberOne. (good code)
Example Language: Java
public class OuterClass {
// private member variables of OuterClass private String memberOne; private static String memberTwo; // constructor of OuterClass public OuterClass(String varOne, String varTwo) { this.memberOne = varOne; }this.memberTwo = varTwo; // InnerClass is a static inner class of OuterClass private static class InnerClass { private String innerMemberOne; public InnerClass(String innerVarOne) { this.innerMemberOne = innerVarOne; }public String concat(String separator) {
// InnerClass only has access to static member variables of OuterClass
return memberTwo + separator + this.innerMemberOne; The only limitation with using a static inner class is that as a static member of the enclosing class the inner class does not have a reference to instances of the enclosing class. For many situations this may not be ideal. An alternative is to use a local inner class or an anonymous inner class as shown in the next examples. Example 3 In the following example the BankAccount class contains the private member inner class InterestAdder that adds interest to the bank account balance. The start method of the BankAccount class creates an object of the inner class InterestAdder, the InterestAdder inner class implements the ActionListener interface with the method actionPerformed. A Timer object created within the start method of the BankAccount class invokes the actionPerformed method of the InterestAdder class every 30 days to add the interest to the bank account balance based on the interest rate passed to the start method as an input parameter. The inner class InterestAdder needs access to the private member variable balance of the BankAccount class in order to add the interest to the bank account balance. However as demonstrated in the previous example, because InterestAdder is a non-static member inner class of the BankAccount class, InterestAdder also has access to the private member variables of the BankAccount class - including the sensitive data contained in the private member variables for the bank account owner's name, Social Security number, and the bank account number. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
public class BankAccount {
// private member variables of BankAccount class private String accountOwnerName; private String accountOwnerSSN; private int accountNumber; private double balance; // constructor for BankAccount class public BankAccount(String accountOwnerName, String accountOwnerSSN, int accountNumber, double initialBalance, int initialRate) { this.accountOwnerName = accountOwnerName; }this.accountOwnerSSN = accountOwnerSSN; this.accountNumber = accountNumber; this.balance = initialBalance; this.start(initialRate); // start method will add interest to balance every 30 days // creates timer object and interest adding action listener object public void start(double rate) { ActionListener adder = new InterestAdder(rate); }Timer t = new Timer(1000 * 3600 * 24 * 30, adder); t.start(); // InterestAdder is an inner class of BankAccount class // that implements the ActionListener interface private class InterestAdder implements ActionListener { private double rate;
public InterestAdder(double aRate) { this.rate = aRate; }public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
// update interest
double interest = BankAccount.this.balance * rate / 100; BankAccount.this.balance += interest; In the following example the InterestAdder class from the above example is declared locally within the start method of the BankAccount class. As a local inner class InterestAdder has its scope restricted to the method (or enclosing block) where it is declared, in this case only the start method has access to the inner class InterestAdder, no other classes including the enclosing class has knowledge of the inner class outside of the start method. This allows the inner class to access private member variables of the enclosing class but only within the scope of the enclosing method or block. (good code)
Example Language: Java
public class BankAccount {
// private member variables of BankAccount class private String accountOwnerName; private String accountOwnerSSN; private int accountNumber; private double balance; // constructor for BankAccount class public BankAccount(String accountOwnerName, String accountOwnerSSN, int accountNumber, double initialBalance, int initialRate) { this.accountOwnerName = accountOwnerName; }this.accountOwnerSSN = accountOwnerSSN; this.accountNumber = accountNumber; this.balance = initialBalance; this.start(initialRate); // start method will add interest to balance every 30 days // creates timer object and interest adding action listener object public void start(final double rate) { // InterestAdder is a local inner class // that implements the ActionListener interface class InterestAdder implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
// update interest
double interest = BankAccount.this.balance * rate / 100; BankAccount.this.balance += interest; ActionListener adder = new InterestAdder(); Timer t = new Timer(1000 * 3600 * 24 * 30, adder); t.start(); A similar approach would be to use an anonymous inner class as demonstrated in the next example. An anonymous inner class is declared without a name and creates only a single instance of the inner class object. As in the previous example the anonymous inner class has its scope restricted to the start method of the BankAccount class. (good code)
Example Language: Java
public class BankAccount {
// private member variables of BankAccount class private String accountOwnerName; private String accountOwnerSSN; private int accountNumber; private double balance; // constructor for BankAccount class public BankAccount(String accountOwnerName, String accountOwnerSSN, int accountNumber, double initialBalance, int initialRate) { this.accountOwnerName = accountOwnerName; }this.accountOwnerSSN = accountOwnerSSN; this.accountNumber = accountNumber; this.balance = initialBalance; this.start(initialRate); // start method will add interest to balance every 30 days // creates timer object and interest adding action listener object public void start(final double rate) { // anonymous inner class that implements the ActionListener interface ActionListener adder = new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
{ double interest = BankAccount.this.balance * rate / 100; BankAccount.this.balance += interest; Timer t = new Timer(1000 * 3600 * 24 * 30, adder); t.start(); Example 4 In the following Java example a simple applet provides the capability for a user to input a URL into a text field and have the URL opened in a new browser window. The applet contains an inner class that is an action listener for the submit button, when the user clicks the submit button the inner class action listener's actionPerformed method will open the URL entered into the text field in a new browser window. As with the previous examples using inner classes in this manner creates a security risk by exposing private variables and methods. Inner classes create an additional security risk with applets as applets are executed on a remote machine through a web browser within the same JVM and therefore may run side-by-side with other potentially malicious code. (bad code)
public class UrlToolApplet extends Applet {
// private member variables for applet components private Label enterUrlLabel; private TextField enterUrlTextField; private Button submitButton; // init method that adds components to applet // and creates button listener object public void init() { setLayout(new FlowLayout()); }enterUrlLabel = new Label("Enter URL: "); enterUrlTextField = new TextField("", 20); submitButton = new Button("Submit"); add(enterUrlLabel); add(enterUrlTextField); add(submitButton); ActionListener submitButtonListener = new SubmitButtonListener(); submitButton.addActionListener(submitButtonListener); // button listener inner class for UrlToolApplet class private class SubmitButtonListener implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
if (evt.getSource() == submitButton) {
String urlString = enterUrlTextField.getText(); }URL url = null; try { url = new URL(urlString); } catch (MalformedURLException e) {System.err.println("Malformed URL: " + urlString); }if (url != null) { getAppletContext().showDocument(url); }As with the previous examples a solution to this problem would be to use a static inner class, a local inner class or an anonymous inner class. An alternative solution would be to have the applet implement the action listener rather than using it as an inner class as shown in the following example. (good code)
Example Language: Java
public class UrlToolApplet extends Applet implements ActionListener {
// private member variables for applet components private Label enterUrlLabel; private TextField enterUrlTextField; private Button submitButton; // init method that adds components to applet public void init() { setLayout(new FlowLayout()); }enterUrlLabel = new Label("Enter URL: "); enterUrlTextField = new TextField("", 20); submitButton = new Button("Submit"); add(enterUrlLabel); add(enterUrlTextField); add(submitButton); submitButton.addActionListener(this); // implementation of actionPerformed method of ActionListener interface public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { if (evt.getSource() == submitButton) {
String urlString = enterUrlTextField.getText(); }URL url = null; try { url = new URL(urlString); } catch (MalformedURLException e) {System.err.println("Malformed URL: " + urlString); }if (url != null) { getAppletContext().showDocument(url); }
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
Mobile code, in this case a Java Applet, is code that is transmitted across a network and executed on a remote machine. Because mobile code developers have little if any control of the environment in which their code will execute, special security concerns become relevant. One of the biggest environmental threats results from the risk that the mobile code will run side-by-side with other, potentially malicious, mobile code. Because all of the popular web browsers execute code from multiple sources together in the same JVM, many of the security guidelines for mobile code are focused on preventing manipulation of your objects' state and behavior by adversaries who have access to the same virtual machine where your program is running.
CWE-395: Use of NullPointerException Catch to Detect NULL Pointer Dereference
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Edit Custom FilterCatching NullPointerException should not be used as an alternative to programmatic checks to prevent dereferencing a null pointer.
Programmers typically catch NullPointerException under three circumstances:
Of these three circumstances, only the last is acceptable. This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "Software Development" (CWE-699)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 The following code mistakenly catches a NullPointerException. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
try {
} catch (NullPointerException npe) {}
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
CWE-543: Use of Singleton Pattern Without Synchronization in a Multithreaded Context
View customized information:
For users who are interested in more notional aspects of a weakness. Example: educators, technical writers, and project/program managers.
For users who are concerned with the practical application and details about the nature of a weakness and how to prevent it from happening. Example: tool developers, security researchers, pen-testers, incident response analysts.
For users who are mapping an issue to CWE/CAPEC IDs, i.e., finding the most appropriate CWE for a specific issue (e.g., a CVE record). Example: tool developers, security researchers.
For users who wish to see all available information for the CWE/CAPEC entry.
For users who want to customize what details are displayed.
Edit Custom FilterThe product uses the singleton pattern when creating a resource within a multithreaded environment.
This table specifies different individual consequences
associated with the weakness. The Scope identifies the application security area that is
violated, while the Impact describes the negative technical impact that arises if an
adversary succeeds in exploiting this weakness. The Likelihood provides information about
how likely the specific consequence is expected to be seen relative to the other
consequences in the list. For example, there may be high likelihood that a weakness will be
exploited to achieve a certain impact, but a low likelihood that it will be exploited to
achieve a different impact.
This table shows the weaknesses and high level categories that are related to this
weakness. These relationships are defined as ChildOf, ParentOf, MemberOf and give insight to
similar items that may exist at higher and lower levels of abstraction. In addition,
relationships such as PeerOf and CanAlsoBe are defined to show similar weaknesses that the user
may want to explore.
Relevant to the view "Research Concepts" (CWE-1000)
Relevant to the view "CISQ Quality Measures (2020)" (CWE-1305)
Relevant to the view "CISQ Data Protection Measures" (CWE-1340)
The different Modes of Introduction provide information
about how and when this
weakness may be introduced. The Phase identifies a point in the life cycle at which
may occur, while the Note provides a typical scenario related to introduction during the
This listing shows possible areas for which the given
weakness could appear. These
may be for specific named Languages, Operating Systems, Architectures, Paradigms,
or a class of such platforms. The platform is listed along with how frequently the given
weakness appears for that instance.
Languages Java (Undetermined Prevalence) C++ (Undetermined Prevalence) Example 1 This method is part of a singleton pattern, yet the following singleton() pattern is not thread-safe. It is possible that the method will create two objects instead of only one. (bad code)
Example Language: Java
private static NumberConverter singleton;
public static NumberConverter get_singleton() { if (singleton == null) { }singleton = new NumberConverter(); }return singleton; Consider the following course of events:
At this point, the threads have created and returned two different objects.
This MemberOf Relationships table shows additional CWE Categories and Views that
reference this weakness as a member. This information is often useful in understanding where a
weakness fits within the context of external information sources.
More information is available — Please edit the custom filter or select a different filter. |
Use of the Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE™) and the associated references from this website are subject to the Terms of Use. CWE is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and managed by the Homeland Security Systems Engineering and Development Institute (HSSEDI) which is operated by The MITRE Corporation (MITRE). Copyright © 2006–2025, The MITRE Corporation. CWE, CWSS, CWRAF, and the CWE logo are trademarks of The MITRE Corporation. |